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(manner of dying)

  • 1 way

    way [weɪ]
    chemin1A (a)-(c) voie1A (a) route1A (a), 1A (c) direction1A (d) sens1A (d), 1A (e) parages1A (f) moyen1B (a) méthode1B (a) façon1B (b) manière1B (b), 1B (c) coutume1B (c) habitude1B (c) égard1B (f) rapport1B (f)
    1 noun
    (a) (thoroughfare, path) chemin m, voie f; (for cars) rue f, route f;
    we took the way through the woods nous avons pris le chemin qui traverse le bois;
    they're building a way across the desert ils ouvrent une route à travers le désert;
    they live across or over the way from the school ils habitent en face de l'école;
    the house/the people over or across the way la maison/les gens d'en face;
    pedestrian way voie f ou rue f piétonne;
    private/public way voie f privée/publique;
    Religion the Way of the Cross le chemin de Croix
    this is the way to the library la bibliothèque est par là;
    could you tell me the way to the library? pouvez-vous me dire comment aller à la bibliothèque?;
    what's the shortest or quickest way to town? quel est le chemin le plus court pour aller en ville?;
    that's the way to ruin c'est le chemin de la ruine;
    we took the long way (round) nous avons pris le chemin le plus long;
    which way does this bus go? par où passe ce bus?;
    I had to ask the or my way il a fallu que je demande mon chemin;
    she knows the way to school elle connaît le chemin de l'école;
    to know one's way about a place connaître un endroit;
    you'll soon find your way about tu trouveras bientôt ton chemin tout seul;
    they went the wrong way ils se sont trompés de chemin, ils ont pris le mauvais chemin;
    to lose one's way s'égarer, perdre son chemin; figurative s'égarer, se fourvoyer;
    to know one's way around savoir s'orienter; figurative savoir se débrouiller;
    the way to a man's heart is through his stomach = pour conquérir le cœur d'un homme, il faut lui faire de bons petits plats
    the way back le chemin ou la route du retour;
    I got lost on the way back home je me suis perdu sur le chemin du retour;
    he couldn't find the way back home il n'a pas trouvé le chemin pour rentrer (à la maison);
    on our way back we stopped for dinner au retour ou sur le chemin du retour, nous nous sommes arrêtés pour dîner;
    she showed us the easiest way down/up elle nous a montré le chemin le plus facile pour descendre/monter;
    the way up is difficult but the way down will be easier la montée est difficile mais la descente sera plus facile;
    do you know the way down/up? savez-vous par où on descend/on monte?;
    the way in l'entrée f;
    the way out la sortie;
    we looked for a way in/out nous cherchions un moyen d'entrer/de sortir;
    I took the back way out je suis sorti par derrière;
    can you find your way out? vous connaissez le chemin pour sortir?;
    I can find my own way out je trouverai mon chemin;
    way in (sign) entrée;
    way out (sign) sortie;
    figurative miniskirts are on the way back in la minijupe est de retour;
    miniskirts are on the way out la minijupe n'est plus tellement à la mode;
    the director is on the way out le directeur ne sera plus là très longtemps;
    they found a way out of the deadlock ils ont trouvé une solution pour sortir de l'impasse;
    is there no way out of this nightmare? n'y a-t-il pas moyen de mettre fin à ce cauchemar?;
    their decision left her no way out leur décision l'a mise dans une impasse;
    he left himself a way out il s'est ménagé une porte de sortie
    (d) (direction) direction f, sens m;
    come this way venez par ici;
    he went that way il est allé par là;
    is this the way? c'est par ici?;
    this way to the chapel (sign) vers la chapelle;
    this way and that de-ci de-là, par-ci par-là;
    look this way regarde par ici;
    I never looked their way je n'ai jamais regardé dans leur direction;
    to look the other way détourner les yeux; figurative fermer les yeux;
    he didn't know which way to look (embarrassed) il ne savait plus où se mettre;
    which way is the library from here? par où faut-il passer pour aller à la bibliothèque?;
    which way did you come? par où êtes-vous venu?;
    which way did she go? par où est-elle passée?;
    which way is the wind blowing? d'où vient le vent?;
    figurative I could tell which way the wind was blowing je voyais très bien ce qui allait se passer;
    which way does the tap turn? dans quel sens faut-il tourner le robinet?;
    which way do I go from here? où est-ce que je vais maintenant?; figurative qu'est-ce que je fais maintenant?;
    get in, I'm going your way montez, je vais dans la même direction que vous;
    they set off, each going his own way ils sont partis chacun de leur côté;
    to go one's own way (follow own wishes) faire à sa guise; (differ from others) faire bande à part, suivre son chemin;
    we each went our separate ways (on road) nous sommes partis chacun de notre côté; (in life) chacun de nous a suivi son propre chemin;
    he went the wrong way il a pris la mauvaise direction; (down one-way street) il a pris la rue en sens interdit;
    to come one's way se présenter;
    any job that comes my way n'importe quel travail qui se présente;
    if ever the opportunity comes your way si jamais l'occasion se présente;
    familiar everything's going my way tout marche comme je veux en ce moment;
    the vote went our way le vote nous a été favorable;
    the vote couldn't have gone any other way les résultats du vote étaient donnés d'avance;
    to go one's own way n'en faire qu'à sa tête, vivre à sa guise;
    to go the way of all flesh or of all things mourir
    (e) (side) sens m;
    stand the box the other way up posez le carton dans l'autre sens;
    hold the picture the right way up tenez le tableau dans le bon sens;
    is it the right way round? est-ce qu'il est à l'endroit?;
    it's the wrong way up c'est dans le mauvais sens;
    it's the wrong way round c'est dans le mauvais sens;
    the curtains are the wrong way round les rideaux sont à l'envers ou dans le mauvais sens;
    your sweater is the right/wrong way out votre pull est à l'endroit/à l'envers;
    try it the other way round essayez dans l'autre sens;
    cats hate having their fur brushed the wrong way les chats détestent qu'on les caresse à rebrousse-poil;
    SHE insulted him? you've got it the wrong way round elle, elle l'a insulté? mais c'est le contraire;
    he invited her tonight, last time it was the other way round ce soir c'est lui qui l'a invitée, la dernière fois c'était l'inverse
    (f) (area, vicinity) parages mpl;
    call in when you're up our way passez nous voir quand vous êtes dans le coin ou dans les parages;
    I was out or over your way yesterday j'étais près de ou du côté de chez vous hier;
    the next time you're that way la prochaine fois que vous passerez par là;
    the blast came from Chicago way l'explosion venait du côté de Chicago;
    the village is rather out of the way le village est un peu isolé
    we came part of the way by foot nous avons fait une partie de la route à pied;
    to go part of the way with sb faire un bout de chemin avec qn;
    they were one-third of the way through their trip ils avaient fait un tiers de leur voyage;
    we've come most of the way nous avons fait la plus grande partie du chemin;
    he talked the entire or whole way il a parlé pendant tout le trajet;
    he can swim quite a way il peut nager assez longtemps;
    a long way off or away loin;
    a little or short way off pas très loin, à courte distance;
    Susan sat a little way off Susan était assise un peu plus loin;
    I saw him from a long way off je l'ai aperçu de loin;
    it's a long way to Berlin Berlin est loin;
    it's a long way from Paris to Berlin la route est longue de Paris à Berlin;
    we're a long way from home nous sommes loin de chez nous;
    we've come a long way (from far away) nous venons de loin; (made progress) nous avons fait du chemin;
    we've a long way to go (far to travel) il nous reste beaucoup de route à faire; (a lot to do) nous avons encore beaucoup à faire; (a lot to collect, pay) nous sommes encore loin du compte;
    he has a long way to go to be ready for the exam il est loin d'être prêt pour l'examen
    it's a long way to Christmas Noël est encore loin;
    you have to go back a long way il faut remonter loin;
    figurative I'm a long way from trusting him je suis loin de lui faire confiance;
    you're a long way off or out (in guessing) vous n'y êtes pas du tout;
    that's a long way from what we thought ce n'est pas du tout ce qu'on croyait;
    she'll go a long way elle ira loin;
    the scholarship will go a long way towards helping with expenses la bourse va beaucoup aider à faire face aux dépenses;
    a little goodwill goes a long way un peu de bonne volonté facilite bien les choses;
    you can make a little meat go a long way by doing this utilisez au mieux un petit morceau de viande en faisant ceci;
    she makes her money go a long way elle sait ménager son argent;
    a little bit goes a long way il en faut très peu;
    humorous a little of him goes a long way il est sympa, mais à petites doses
    (i) (space in front of person, object)
    you're in the way tu gênes le passage; figurative tu gênes, tu me/nous/ etc déranges;
    a tree was in the way un arbre bloquait ou barrait le passage;
    a car was in his way une voiture lui barrait le passage ou l'empêchait de passer;
    I can't see, the cat is in the way je ne vois pas, le chat me gêne;
    is the lamp in your way? la lampe vous gêne-t-elle?;
    put the suitcases under the bed out of the way rangez les valises sous le lit pour qu'elles ne gênent pas;
    to get out of the way s'écarter (du chemin);
    we got out of his way nous l'avons laissé passer;
    out of my way! pousse-toi!, laisse-moi passer!;
    the cars got out of the ambulance's way les voitures ont laissé passer l'ambulance;
    to get sb out of the way se débarrasser de qn, écarter ou éloigner qn;
    to get sth out of the way enlever ou pousser qch;
    figurative let's get the subject of holidays out of the way first réglons d'abord la question des vacances;
    keep out of the way! ne reste pas là!;
    make way! écartez-vous!;
    make way for the parade! laissez passer le défilé!;
    make way for the President! faites place au Président!;
    to get in one another's way se gêner (les uns les autres);
    figurative her social life got in the way of her studies ses sorties l'empêchaient d'étudier;
    I don't want to get in the way of your happiness je ne veux pas entraver votre bonheur;
    I kept out of the boss's way j'ai évité le patron;
    familiar he wants his boss out of the way il veut se débarrasser de son patron ;
    familiar once the meeting is out of the way dès que nous serons débarrassés de la réunion;
    he is retiring to make way for a younger man il prend sa retraite pour céder la place à un plus jeune;
    they tore down the slums to make way for blocks of flats ils ont démoli les taudis pour pouvoir construire des immeubles;
    to clear or prepare the way for sth préparer la voie à qch;
    to put difficulties in sb's way créer des difficultés à qn;
    couldn't you see your way (clear) to doing it? ne trouveriez-vous pas moyen de le faire?
    the acid ate its way through the metal l'acide est passé à travers le métal;
    I fought or pushed my way through the crowd je me suis frayé un chemin à travers la foule;
    we made our way towards the train nous nous sommes dirigés vers le train;
    I made my way back to my seat je suis retourné à ma place;
    they made their way across the desert ils ont traversé le désert;
    they made their way down/up the hill ils ont descendu/monté la colline;
    she made her way up through the hierarchy elle a gravi les échelons de la hiérarchie un par un;
    she had to make her own way in the world elle a dû faire son chemin toute seule;
    she talked her way out of it elle s'en est sortie avec de belles paroles;
    he worked or made his way through the pile of newspapers il a lu les journaux un par un;
    I worked my way through college j'ai travaillé pour payer mes études;
    however did it find its way into print? comment en est-on venu à l'imprimer?
    (a) (means, method) moyen m, méthode f;
    in what way can I help you? comment ou en quoi puis-je vous être utile?;
    there are several ways to go or of going about it il y a plusieurs façons ou plusieurs moyens de s'y prendre;
    I do it this way voilà comment je fais;
    in one way or another d'une façon ou d'une autre;
    they thought they would win that way ils pensaient pouvoir gagner comme ça;
    he's going to handle it his way il va faire ça à sa façon;
    she has her own way of cooking fish elle a sa façon à elle de cuisiner le poisson;
    the right/wrong way to do it la bonne/mauvaise façon de le faire;
    you're doing it the right/wrong way c'est comme ça/ce n'est pas comme ça qu'il faut (le) faire;
    do it the usual way faites comme d'habitude;
    there's no way or I can't see any way we'll finish on time nous ne finirons jamais ou nous n'avons aucune chance de finir à temps;
    Politics ways and means financement m;
    there are ways and means il y a des moyens;
    to find a way of doing sth trouver (le) moyen de faire qch;
    humorous love will find a way l'amour finit toujours par triompher;
    that's the way to do it! c'est comme ça qu'il faut faire!, voilà comment il faut faire!;
    American familiar well done! that's the way (to go)! bravo! c'est bien! ;
    what a way to go! (manner of dying) quelle belle mort!; (congratulations) bravo!
    (b) (particular manner, fashion) façon f, manière f;
    in this way de cette façon;
    in a friendly way gentiment;
    he spoke in a general way about the economy il a parlé de l'économie d'une façon générale;
    she doesn't like the way he is dressed elle n'aime pas la façon dont il est habillé;
    he doesn't speak the way his family does il ne parle pas comme sa famille;
    they see things in the same way ils voient les choses de la même façon;
    in their own (small) way they fight racism à leur façon ou dans la limite de leurs moyens, ils luttent contre le racisme;
    in the same way, we note that… de même, on notera que…;
    that's one way to look at it or of looking at it c'est une façon ou manière de voir les choses;
    my way of looking at it mon point de vue sur la question;
    that's not my way (of doing things) ce n'est pas mon genre, ce n'est pas ma façon de faire;
    try to see it my way mettez-vous à ma place;
    way of speaking/writing façon de parler/d'écrire;
    to her way of thinking à son avis;
    the way she feels about him les sentiments qu'elle éprouve à son égard;
    I didn't think you would take it this way je ne pensais pas que vous le prendriez comme ça;
    if that's the way you feel about it! si c'est comme ça que vous le prenez!;
    the American way of life la manière de vivre des Américains, le mode de vie américain;
    being on the move is a way of life for the gypsy le voyage est un mode de vie pour les gitans;
    dieting has become a way of life with some people certaines personnes passent leur vie à faire des régimes;
    yearly strikes have become a way of life les grèves annuelles sont devenues une habitude
    (c) (custom) coutume f, usage m; (habitual manner of acting) manière f, habitude f;
    we soon got used to her ways nous nous sommes vite habitués à ses manières;
    I know his little ways je connais ses petites manies;
    the ways of God and men les voies de Dieu et de l'homme;
    he knows nothing of their ways il les connaît très mal, il ne les comprend pas du tout;
    she has a way of tossing her head when she laughs elle a une façon ou manière de rejeter la tête en arrière quand elle rit;
    they're happy in their own way ils sont heureux à leur manière;
    he's a genius in his way c'est un génie dans son genre;
    it's not my way to criticize ce n'est pas mon genre ou ce n'est pas dans mes habitudes de critiquer;
    he's not in a bad mood, it's just his way il n'est pas de mauvaise humeur, c'est sa façon d'être habituelle;
    she got into/out of the way of rising early elle a pris/perdu l'habitude de se lever tôt;
    you'll get into the way of it vous vous y ferez
    (d) (facility, knack)
    he has a way with children il sait (comment) s'y prendre ou il a le chic avec les enfants;
    she has a way with words elle a le chic pour s'exprimer;
    trouble has a way of showing up when least expected les ennuis ont le chic pour se manifester quand on ne s'y attend pas
    (e) (indicating a condition, state of affairs)
    let me tell you the way it was laisse-moi te raconter comment ça s'est passé;
    we can't invite him given the way things are on ne peut pas l'inviter étant donné la situation;
    we left the flat the way it was nous avons laissé l'appartement tel qu'il était ou comme il était;
    is he going to be staying here? - it looks that way est-ce qu'il va loger ici? - on dirait (bien);
    it's not the way it looks! ce n'est pas ce que vous pensez!;
    it's not the way it used to be ce n'est pas comme avant;
    that's the way things are c'est comme ça;
    that's the way of the world ainsi va le monde;
    business is good and we're trying to keep it that way les affaires vont bien et nous faisons en sorte que ça dure;
    the train is late - that's always the way le train est en retard - c'est toujours comme ça ou pareil;
    that's always the way with him il est toujours comme ça, c'est toujours comme ça avec lui;
    life goes on (in) the same old way la vie va son train ou suit son cours;
    I don't like the way things are going je n'aime pas la tournure que prennent les choses;
    we'll never finish the way things are going au train où vont les choses, on n'aura jamais fini;
    to be in a bad way être en mauvais état;
    he's in a bad way il est dans un triste état;
    their business is in a bad/good way leurs affaires marchent mal/bien;
    she's in a fair way to succeed/to becoming president elle est bien partie pour réussir/pour devenir président
    (f) (respect, detail) égard m, rapport m;
    in what way? à quel égard?, sous quel rapport?;
    in this way à cet égard, sous ce rapport;
    it's important in many ways c'est important à bien des égards;
    in some ways à certains égards, par certains côtés;
    the job suits her in every way le poste lui convient à tous égards ou à tous points de vue;
    I'll help you in every possible way je ferai tout ce que je peux pour vous aider;
    she studied the problem in every way possible elle a examiné le problème sous tous les angles possibles;
    useful in more ways than one utile à plus d'un égard;
    these two books, each interesting in its (own) way ces deux livres, qui sont intéressants chacun dans son genre;
    he's clever that way sur ce plan-là, il est malin;
    in one way d'un certain point de vue;
    in a way you're right en un sens vous avez raison;
    I see what you mean in a way d'un certain point de vue ou d'une certaine manière, je vois ce que tu veux dire;
    I am in no way responsible je ne suis absolument pas ou aucunement responsable;
    this in no way changes your situation ceci ne change en rien votre situation;
    without wanting in any way to criticize sans vouloir le moins du monde critiquer
    to do things in a big way faire les choses en grand;
    she went into politics in a big way elle s'est lancée à fond dans la politique;
    they're in the arms business in a big way ils font de grosses affaires dans l'armement;
    they helped out in a big way ils ont beaucoup aidé;
    a grocer in a big/small way un gros/petit épicier;
    we live in a small way nous vivons modestement;
    the restaurant is doing quite well in a small way le restaurant marche bien à son échelle;
    it does change the situation in a small way ça change quand même un peu la situation
    (h) (usu pl) (part, share) we divided the money four ways nous avons partagé l'argent en quatre;
    the committee was split three ways le comité était divisé en trois groupes
    we're gathering/losing way nous prenons/perdons de la vitesse;
    the ship has way on le navire a de l'erre
    she always gets or has her (own) way elle arrive toujours à ses fins;
    he only wants it his way il n'en fait qu'à sa tête;
    I'm not going to let you have it all your (own) way je refuse de te céder en tout;
    if I had my way, he'd be in prison si cela ne tenait qu'à moi, il serait en prison;
    I refuse to go - have it your (own) way je refuse d'y aller - fais ce que ou comme tu veux;
    no, it was 1789 - have it your (own) way non, c'était en 1789 - soit;
    you can't have it both ways il faut choisir;
    I can stop too, it works both ways je peux m'arrêter aussi, ça marche dans les deux sens;
    there are no two ways about it il n'y a pas le choix;
    no two ways about it, he was rude il n'y a pas à dire, il a été grossier;
    humorous to have one's (wicked) way with sb coucher avec qn
    (a) (far → in space, time) très loin ;
    they live way over yonder ils habitent très loin par là-bas;
    way up the mountain très haut dans la montagne ;
    way down south là-bas dans le sud ;
    way back in the distance au loin derrière ;
    way back in the 1930s déjà dans les années 30
    we know each other from way back, we go way back nous sommes amis depuis très longtemps ;
    you're way below the standard tu es bien en-dessous du niveau voulu ;
    he's way over forty il a largement dépassé la quarantaine ;
    she's way ahead of her class elle est très en avance sur sa classe ;
    he's way off or out in his guess il est loin d'avoir deviné
    (c) (very) vachement;
    he is way crazy il est vachement atteint
    the baby cried all the way le bébé a pleuré tout le long du chemin;
    don't close the curtains all the way ne fermez pas complètement les rideaux;
    prices go all the way from 200 to 1,000 dollars les prix vont de 200 à 1000 dollars;
    figurative I'm with you all the way je vous suis ou je vous soutiens jusqu'au bout;
    familiar to go all the way (with sb) aller jusqu'au bout (avec qn)
    en route;
    I stopped several times along the way je me suis arrêté plusieurs fois en (cours de) route;
    figurative their project had some problems along the way leur projet a connu quelques problèmes en cours de route
    I prefer chess by a long way je préfère de loin ou de beaucoup les échecs;
    this is bigger by a long way c'est nettement ou beaucoup plus grand;
    he's not as capable as you are by a long way il est loin d'être aussi compétent que toi;
    is your project ready? - not by a long way! ton projet est-il prêt? - loin de là!
    (incidentally) à propos;
    by the way, where did he go? à propos, où est-il allé?;
    by the way, her brother sings much better soit dit en passant, son frère chante beaucoup mieux;
    I bring up this point by the way je signale ce point au passage ou en passant
    (incidental) secondaire;
    that point is quite by the way ce détail est tout à fait secondaire
    (a) (via) par, via;
    to go by way of Brussels passer par Bruxelles
    by way of illustration à titre d'exemple;
    she outlined the situation by way of introduction elle a présenté un aperçu de la situation en guise d'introduction;
    by way of introducing himself, he gave us his card en guise de présentation, il nous a donné sa carte;
    they receive money by way of grants ils reçoivent de l'argent sous forme de bourses
    (a) (in either case) dans les deux cas;
    either way I lose dans les deux cas, je suis perdant;
    shall we take the car or the bus? - it's fine by me or I don't mind either way tu préfères prendre la voiture ou le bus? - n'importe, ça m'est égal
    (b) (more or less) en plus ou en moins;
    a few days either way could make all the difference quelques jours en plus ou en moins pourraient tout changer
    the match could have gone either way le match était ouvert;
    de façon à ce que;
    she answered in such a way as to make me understand elle a répondu de façon à ce que je comprenne
    de telle façon ou manière que
    she receives little in the way of salary son salaire n'est pas bien gros;
    what is there in the way of food? qu'est-ce qu'il y a à manger?;
    do you need anything in the way of paper? avez-vous besoin de papier?;
    he doesn't have much in the way of brains il n'a rien dans la tête
    we met in the way of business nous nous sommes rencontrés dans le cadre du travail;
    they put me in the way of making some money ils m'ont indiqué un moyen de gagner de l'argent
    familiar pas question;
    will you do it for me? - no way! tu feras ça pour moi? - pas question!;
    no way am I going to tell him! (il n'est) pas question que je le lui dise!;
    there's no way that's Jeanne Moreau! tu rigoles?, ce n'est pas Jeanne Moreau!
    it's on my way c'est sur mon chemin;
    you pass it on your way to the office vous passez devant en allant au bureau;
    I'll catch up with you on the way je te rattraperai en chemin ou en route;
    to stop on the way s'arrêter en chemin;
    on the way to work en allant au bureau;
    I'm on my way! j'y vais!;
    she's on her way home elle rentre chez elle;
    he's on his way to Paris il est en route pour Paris;
    on his way to town he met his father en allant en ville, il a rencontré son père;
    we must be on our way il faut que nous y allions;
    to go one's way repartir, reprendre son chemin
    she has a baby on the way elle attend un bébé;
    her second book is on the way (being written) elle a presque fini d'écrire son deuxième livre; (being published) son deuxième livre est sur le point de paraître;
    she's on the way to success elle est sur le chemin de la réussite;
    the patient is on the way to recovery le malade est en voie de guérison;
    she's (well) on the way to becoming president elle est en bonne voie de devenir président;
    the new school is well on the way to being finished la nouvelle école est presque terminée
    en fin de compte;
    I've done quite well for myself one way and another je me suis plutôt bien débrouillé en fin de compte
    (a) (by whatever means) d'une façon ou d'une autre;
    one way or the other I'm going to get that job! d'une façon ou d'une autre, j'aurai ce boulot!
    I've nothing to say one way or the other je n'ai rien à dire, ni pour ni contre;
    a month one way or the other un mois de plus ou de moins
    to go out of one's way s'écarter de son chemin, dévier de sa route, faire un détour;
    I don't want to take you out of your way je ne veux pas vous faire faire un détour;
    figurative don't go out of your way for me! ne vous dérangez pas pour moi!;
    figurative she went out of her way to find me a job elle s'est donné du mal pour me trouver du travail
    to be under way (person, vehicle) être en route; figurative (meeting, talks) être en cours; (plans, project) être en train;
    the meeting was already under way la réunion avait déjà commencé;
    the project is well under way le projet est en bonne voie de réalisation;
    Nautical the ship is under way le navire est en route
    to get under way (person, train) se mettre en route, partir; (car) se mettre en route, démarrer; figurative (meeting, plans, talks) démarrer;
    they got the plans under way ils ont mis le projet en route;
    the captain got (the ship) under way le capitaine a appareillé;
    the ship got under way le navire a appareillé ou a levé l'ancre
    ►► American way station Railways petite gare f; figurative étape f;
    a way station on the road to success une étape sur la route du succès
    ✾ Play 'The Way of the World' Congreve 'Ainsi va le monde'
    We have ways of making you talk Il s'agit de la formule prononcée par les membres de la Gestapo dans les films de guerre anglais des années 50 et 60 lorsqu'ils interrogent des prisonniers de guerre britanniques. Aujourd'hui, on emploie cette expression ("nous avons les moyens de vous faire parler") pour plaisanter en prenant l'accent allemand lorsqu'on veut obtenir une information de quelqu'un.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > way

  • 2 बाल _bāla

    बाल a.
    1 Young, infantine, not full-grown or deve- loped (of persons or things); बालेन स्थविरेण वा Ms. 8.7; बालाशोकमुपोढरागसुभगं भेदोन्मुखं तिष्ठति V.2.7; so बालमन्दारवृक्षः Me.77; R.2.45;13.24.
    -2 Newly risen, young (as the sun or its rays); बालार्कप्रतिमे- वाप्सु वीचिभिन्ना पतिष्यतः R.12.1.
    -3 New, waxing (as the moon); पुपोष वृद्धिं हरिदश्वदीधितेरनुप्रवेशादिव बाल- चन्द्रमाः R.3.22; Ku.3.29.
    -4 Puerile.
    -5 Ignorant, unwise; अनर्थकुशला ह्येते बालाः पण्डितमानिनः Rām.2.1.38.
    -6 Pure (as an animal fit for sacrifice).
    -लः 1 A child, an infant; बालादपि सुभाषितम् (ग्राह्यम्); Ms.2.239.
    -2 A boy, youth, young person.
    -3 A minor (under 16 years of age); बाल आषोडशाद्वर्षात् Nārada.
    -4 A colt, foal.
    -5 A fool, simpleton; नीरसायां रसं बालो बालिकायां विकल्पयेत् Pt.4.91.
    -6 (a) A tail. (b) An elephant's or a horse's tail.
    -7 Hair; तं केशपाशं प्रसमीक्ष्य कुर्युर्बालप्रियत्वं शिथिलं चमर्यः Ku.1.48.
    -8 An elephant five years old; 'पञ्चवर्षो गजो बालः पोतस्तु दशवार्षिकः' Vaijayantī. According to Mātaṅga L. (5.2.) however it means an elephant in the first year.
    -9 A kind of perfume.
    -1 The cocoa-nut.
    -Comp. -अग्रम् 1 the point of a hair.
    -2 A dove-cot; प्रासादबालाग्रकपोतपालिकायामुपविष्टः शृणोमि Mk.1.51/ 52.
    -अध्यापकः a tutor of youths or children.
    -अपत्यम् youthful progeny.
    -अभ्यासः study during childhood, early application (to study).
    -अरुण a. red like early dawn. (
    -णः) early dawn; morning sun.
    -अर्कः the newly-risen sun; R.12.1.
    -अवबोधः, -नम् instruc- tion of the young; Pt.1.
    -अवस्थ a. juvenile, young; भुवमधिपतिर्बालाबस्थो$प्यलं परिरक्षितुम् V.5.18.
    -अवस्था child- hood.
    -आतपः morning sunshine.
    -आमयः a child's disease.
    -इन्दुः the new or waxing moon; बालेन्दुवक्राप्य- विकाशभावाद् बभुः पलाशान्यतिलोहितानि Ku.3.29.
    -इष्टः the jujube tree.
    -उपचारः, -चरणम् (medical) treatment of children.
    -उपवीतम् 1 a piece of cloth used to cover the privities.
    -2 The sacrificial cord.
    -कदली a young plantain tree.
    -काण्डम् the first book of the Rāmāyaṇa.
    -कुन्दः, -दम् a kind of young jasmine. (
    -दम्) a young jasmine blossom; अलके बालकुन्दानुविद्धम् Me.67.
    -कृमिः a louse.
    -कृष्णः Kṛiṣṇa as a boy.
    -केलिः, -ली f. child's play or amusement.
    -क्रीडनम् a child's play or toy.
    -क्रीडनकम् a child's toy.
    -कः 1 a ball.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -क्रीडा a child's play, childish or juvenile sport.
    -खिल्यः a class of divine personages of the size of a thumb and produced from the creator's body and said to precede the sun's chariot (their number is said to be sixty thousand); cf. R.15.1; क्रतोश्च सन्ततिर्भार्या बालखिल्यानसूयत । षष्टिर्यानि सहस्राणि ऋषिणामूर्ध्व- रेतसाम् ॥ Mārk. P.
    -गर्भिणी a cow with calf for the first time.
    -गोपालः 'the youthful cowherd', an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa, as the boycowherd.
    -ग्रहः any demon (or planetary influence) teasing or injuring children; बालग्रहस्तत्र विचिन्वती शिशून् Bhāg.1.6.7.
    -घ्नः a child- slayer, infanticide; Ms.11.19.
    -चन्द्रः -चन्द्रमस् m.
    1 the young or waxing moon; इह जगति महोत्सवस्य हेतुर्नयनवतामुदियाय बालचन्द्रः Māl.2.1.
    -2 a cavity of a particular shape; Mk.3.13.
    -चरितम् 1 juvenile sports.
    -2 early life or actions; U.6.
    -चर्यः N. of Kārtikeya. (
    -र्या) the bahaviour of a child.
    -चुम्बालः a fish; Nigh. Ratn.
    -चतः a young mango-tree; धत्तेचक्षुर्मुकुलिनि रणत्कोकिले बालचूते Māl.3.12.
    - a. produced from hair.
    -जातीय a. childish, foolish, simple.
    -तनयः the Kha- dira tree.
    -तन्त्रम् midwifery.
    -तृणम् young grass.
    -दलकः the Khadira.
    -धनम् the property of a minor; Ms.8.149.
    -धिः (also बालधिः) a hairy tail; तुरंगमैरा- यतकीर्णवालधिः Śi.12.73; Ki.12.47.
    -नेत्र a. guided or steered by a fool.
    -पत्रः, -पत्रकः the Khadira tree.
    -पाश्या 1 an ornament worn in the hair when parted.
    -2 a string of pearls binding or intertwining the braid of hair.
    -पुष्टिका, -पुष्टी, -पुष्पी a kind of jasmine.
    -बोधः 1 instructing the young.
    -2 any work adapted to the capacities of the young or inexperienced.
    -भद्रकः a kind of poison.
    -भारः a large bushy tail; बाधेतोल्का- क्षपितचमरीबालभारो दवाग्निः Me.55.
    -भावः 1 child-hood, infancy.
    -2 a hairy growth; एतद्भ्रुवौ जन्म तदाप युग्मं लीलाचलत्वोचितबालभावम् N.7.26.
    -3 inattention; Ms. 8.118. (Kull.)
    -4 children (collectively).
    -5 recent rise (of a planet).
    -भृत्यः a servant from childhood.
    -भैषज्यम् a kind of collyrium.
    -भोज्यः pease.
    -मनो- रमा N. of several grammars.
    -मरणम् (with Jainas) a fool's manner of dying (12 in number).
    -मित्रः a friend from boyhood.
    -मृगः a fawn.
    -मूलम् a young radish.
    -मूषिका a small mouse.
    -मृणालः a tender filament or fibre (of lotus); व्यालं बालमृणालतन्तुभिरसौ रोद्धुं समुज्<?>म्भते Bh.2.6.
    -यज्ञोपवीतकम् the sacred thread worn across the breast.
    -राजम् lapis lazuli.
    -रोगः a child's disease; अथ बालरोगाणां निदानानि लक्षणानि चाह । धात्र्यास्तु गुरुभिर्भोज्यैर्विषमैर्दोषलैस्तथा...... Bhāva. P.
    -लता a young creeper; अवाकिरन् बाललताः प्रसूनैः R.2.1.
    -लीला child's play, juvenile pastime.
    -वत्सः 1 a young calf.
    -2 a pigeon.
    -वायजम् lapis lazuli.
    -वासस् n. a woollen garment.
    -वाह्यः a young or wild goat.
    -विधवा a child-widow.
    -वैधव्यम् child-widowhood.
    -व्यजनम् a chowrie or fly-flapper (usually made of the tail of the yāk or Bos Grunniens and used as one of the royal insignia); यस्यार्थयुक्तं गिरिराजशब्दं कुर्वन्ति बाल- व्यजनैश्चमर्यः Ku.1.13; R.9.66;14.11;16.33,57.
    -व्रतः an epithet of a Buddha saint Mañjughoṣa.
    -सखि m. a friend from childhood.
    -संध्या early twilight.
    -सात्म्यम् milk.
    -सुहृद् m. a friend of one's youth.
    -सूर्यः, -सूर्यकः lapis lazuli.
    -स्थानम् 1 childhood.
    -2 youth.
    -3 inexperience.
    -हत्या infanticide.
    -हस्तः a hairy tail.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > बाल _bāla

  • 3 नैर्याणिक

    mf (ī)n. treating of the manner of dying (N. of ch. of VarBṛS.);

    conducive to emancipation Lalit. (cf. Dharmas. 100);
    - f. L.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > नैर्याणिक

  • 4 बालमरण

    n. (with Jainas) a fool's manner of dying (12 in number, among which is suicide);

    - vidhi-kartavyatā f. N. of wk.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > बालमरण

  • 5 ölüm

    "1. death. 2. way of death, manner of dying. - Allahın emri. 1. God made man mortal. 2. I am not afraid of death (said after one has decided to run a great risk). -e bağlı tasarruflar law dispositions or arrangements which can only be carried out after someone has died. -le burun buruna gelmek to have a close brush with death. - cezası law the death penalty. -e çare bulunmaz. proverb There is no way to avoid death. - dirim dünyası this world. - döşeği deathbed. -ü göze almak to be willing to risk one´s life. - kalım/dirim meselesi a matter of life or death; matter upon which the fate of everything or everyone hinges. - öncesi antemortem. - sessizliği deathly silence. - sıklığı death rate. -üne susamak to court death, gamble with one´s life."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ölüm

  • 6 die

    1. I
    1) it is five years since he died уже прошло пять лет после его смерти /с тех пор, как он умер/; he did it when about to die он сделал это перед [самой] смертью /перед своей кончиной/; flowers (plants) died цветы (растения) увяли; trees die деревья гибнут /засыхают/
    2) the motor /the engine/ died мотор заглох; the battery died аккумулятор сел; the telephone has died телефон испортился /перестал работать/
    3) the wind died ветер стих; the storm died буря улеглась /утихла/; the conversation die беседа смолкла /прекратилась/; the day was dying день угасал; the light in her eyes died огонек в ее глазах погас, ее взгляд потух; his interest (enthusiasm) has died у него пропал интерес (энтузиазм); their hopes have died они потеряли [всякую] надежду; his fame will never - его слава никогда не умрет /останется в веках/
    2. II
    1) die in some manner die unexpectedly (peacefully, violently, etc.) скоропостижно и т. д. умереть /скончаться/; die somewhere die at home умереть /скончаться/ дома
    2) die in some manner the sound (the noise, the music, etc.) died abruptly звук и т. д. внезапно прекратился /смолк, замер/
    3. III
    die smb. die a beggar (a rich man, a millionaire, a virgin, a lunatic, a martyr to the cause, etc.) умереть нищим и т. д.; he died a hero он умер героем; - a violent death (a natural death, etc.) умереть насильственной и т. д. смертью; die a dog's death подохнуть /сдохнуть/ как собака
    4. XIII
    be dying to do smth. coll. be dying to see her (to meet her husband, to go to the theatre, to know the results, to find out what was said, to become an actress, to go to sea, etc.) ужасно /до смерти/ хотеть повидать ее и т. д.
    5. XIV
    die doing smth. die fighting (resisting the enemy, etc.) умереть сражаясь и т. д., die laughing умирать со смеху
    6. XV
    die in some state die old (young, rich, poor, happy, etc.) умереть старым /в старости/ и т. д.; old habits (traditions, prejudices, etc.) die hard старые привычки и т. д. живучи
    7. XVI
    1) die from /of/ smth. die from disease (from /of/ a wound, from loss of blood, from /of/ hunger, from drinking, of fever, of heart failure, of old age, etc.) умереть от болезни и т. д.; die in some state die in agony /in pain/ умереть в мучениях; die in poverty умереть в нищете; die in (on, at, etc.) some place in one's bed (in hospital, on the way home, etc.) умереть в постели и т. д;, die at one's post умереть на [своем] посту: - in battle (in action, on the field of battle, etc.) пасть в бою и т. д., die on the scaffold кончить жизнь на виселице; die at sea утонуть в море; die under smth. die under the surgeon's knife умереть /скончаться/ во время операции; die under peculiar (suspicious) circumstances умереть при странных (подозрительных) обстоятельствах; die by smth. die by poison быть отравленным; die by one's. own hand покончить с собой; die by smb.'s hand погибнуть от чьей-л. руки; die by the sword пасть от шпаги; die through smth. he died through neglect a) он умер оттого, что за ним никто не ухаживал; б) он умер оттого, что был всеми покинут; die before (in, etc.) some time die before one's time (in the prime of life, in old age, etc.) умереть преждевременно и т. д., преждевременно скончаться и т. д.; die for smth., smb. die for one's country (for one's convictions, for one's principles, for one's friend, etc.) умирать /отдавать жизнь/ за родину и т. д., die without smth. die without help умереть, потому что не была оказана помощь; he died without friends он умер в одиночестве; die with smb., smth. this custom will die with our generation Этот обычай исчезнет /отомрет/ вместе с нашим поколением; the secret will die with him он унесет свою тайну в могилу || die for want /'for lack/ of smth. умереть, потому что не было чего-л.; die for want /for lack/ of food and water (air, sun, etc.) умереть из-за недостатка пищи и воды и т. д.; die to the world погибнуть для мира /для человечества/
    2) die of /with/ smth. die of /with/ laughter (of /with/ joy, of /with/ boredom, of /with/ love, of /with/ jealousy, etc.) умирать cо смеху и т. д.; die of shame умирать /сгорать/ от /со/ стыда; be dying with curiosity сгорать от любопытства
    3) coll. be dying for smth. be dying for dinner (for a drink, for a rest, for a chance to do smth., etc.) ужасно /до смерти/ хотеть пообедать и т. д.; be dying with smth. be dying with sleep (with hunger, etc.) ужасно /смертельно, до смерти/ хотеть спать и т. д., I am dying with thirst [я] умираю от жажды
    8. XVII
    die by doing smth. die by drowning утонуть; die by drowning oneself утопиться; die without doing smth. die without regaining consciousness умереть, не приходя в сознание
    9. XIX1
    dielike smb. die like a hero пасть смертью героя; - like a martyr умереть мученической, смертью; die like a dog подохнуть /сдохнуть/ как собака

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > die

  • 7 vía

    1 road, way, lane, street.
    2 manner.
    3 avenue, option.
    4 tract, channel.
    5 line.
    * * *
    1 (camino) road, way; (calle) street; (carril) lane
    2 (de tren) track, line; (en la estación) platform
    3 ANATOMÍA passage, canal, track
    4 figurado (modo) way, manner, means
    5 DERECHO procedure
    6 (rumbo, dirección) via, through
    dar vía libre a to leave the way open for
    de vía doble double-track
    de vía estrecha (ferrocarril) narrow-gauge 2 figurado mediocre
    en vías de in the process of
    por vía aérea (gen) by air 2 (correo) airmail
    por vía oficial through official channels
    por vía oral to be taken orally
    transmisión vía satélite satellite transmission
    vía de acceso slip road
    vía de comunicación communication channel
    vía férrea railway track, US railroad track
    vía judicial legal procedure
    Vía Láctea Milky Way
    vía pública public thoroughfare
    vía oficial official channel
    vías urinarias urinary tract sing
    * * *
    1. noun f.
    1) way
    2) road, railway, track
    2. prep.
    * * *
    1. SF
    1) (=calle) road; (en autopista) lane

    ¡por favor, dejen la vía libre! — please make way!

    vía de circunvalación — bypass, ring road, beltway (EEUU)

    vía de escape — escape route, way out

    vía libre —

    el gobierno ha dado o dejado vía libre al proyecto — the government has given the go-ahead to the project

    eso es dar o dejar la vía libre a la corrupción — that's leaving the way open for corruption

    vía pública — public highway, thoroughfare

    2) (Ferro) (=raíl) track, line; (=andén) platform

    de vía anchabroad-gauge [antes de s]

    de vía estrechanarrow-gauge [antes de s]

    vía férrea — railway, railroad (EEUU)

    vía muerta — (Ferro) siding

    de vía únicasingle-track [antes de s]

    3) (Transportes, Correos)

    por vía aérea[viaje] by air; [envío postal] (by) airmail

    vía marítima — sea route, seaway

    por vía terrestre[viaje] overland, by land; [envío postal] (by) surface mail

    4) (Anat) tract
    5) (=medio, canal)

    tercera vía — middle way, compromise

    vía judicial —

    recurrir a la vía judicial — to go to the courts, have recourse to the law

    vías de hechoeufphysical violence [sing], assault and battery [sing]

    6) (Med)

    por vía oral o bucal — orally

    por vía tópica — topically, externally


    en vías de: un país en vías de desarrollo — a developing country

    8) (Rel) way

    Vía Crucis — Way of the Cross, Stations of the Cross [pl]

    9) (Quím) process
    PREP via
    * * *
    a) (ruta, camino)

    una vía urbana — (frml) an urban thoroughfare (frml)

    una vía al diálogoa channel o an avenue for dialogue

    dar vía libre a algoto give something the go-ahead o the green light

    por vía aérea/marítima/terrestre — by air/by sea/by land

    c) (medio, procedimiento) channels (pl)

    por la vía diplomática/política — through diplomatic/political channels

    d) (Der) proceedings (pl)

    en vías de: está en vías de solucionarse it's in the process of being resolved; países en vías de desarrollo developing countries; una especie en vías de extinción an endangered species; el plan está en vías de ejecución — the plan is now being carried out

    3) (Ferr) track

    saldrá por la vía dos — (frml) it will depart from track (AmE) o (BrE) platform two (frml)

    un tramo de vía única/de doble vía — a single-track/double-track section

    4) (Anat, Med)

    por vía oral/venosa — orally/intravenously

    por vía renalby o through the kidneys

    * * *
    Ex. The architect's brief specifies that conduit (of sewer pipe size if possible) should be provided for electrical wiring with outlets placed in the ceiling every metre.
    * canal vía satélite = satellite channel.
    * comunicación vía satélite = satellite communication.
    * economía en vías de desarrollo = transitional economy, developing economy.
    * enlace de comunicaciones vía satélite = satellite link.
    * en vías de desarrollo = in course of development, emergent, developing.
    * en vías de jubilación = retiring.
    * especie en (vías de) extinción = endangered species, dying breed.
    * estar en vías de = be on the road to, be in the process of.
    * estar en vías de conseguir = be on the road to.
    * imágenes vía satélite = satellite imagery, satellite image data.
    * infección de las vías urinarias = urinary tract infection.
    * la Vía Láctea = the Milky Way.
    * obstrucción de las vías respiratorias = airway blockage.
    * país en vías de desarrollo = developing country, developing nation, emerging economy, transitional nation, transitional economy, developing economy, country with developing economy.
    * países en vías de desarrollo, los = developing world, the.
    * retransmisión vía Internet = webcast [web cast], cybercast [cyber cast].
    * transmisión vía satélite = satellite transmission.
    * vía de acceso rápido = fast track.
    * vía de comunicación = communication pathway, highway.
    * vía de doble sentido = two-way street.
    * vía de escape = escape route.
    * vía de ferrocarril = railway line.
    * vía de salida = exit lane.
    * vía de servicio = service road.
    * vía de transmisión de datos = data pathway, pathway.
    * vía fluvial = waterways.
    * vía muerta = siding.
    * vía pecuaria = droving road.
    * vía pública = thoroughfare.
    * vía respiratoria = airway.
    * * *
    a) (ruta, camino)

    una vía urbana — (frml) an urban thoroughfare (frml)

    una vía al diálogoa channel o an avenue for dialogue

    dar vía libre a algoto give something the go-ahead o the green light

    por vía aérea/marítima/terrestre — by air/by sea/by land

    c) (medio, procedimiento) channels (pl)

    por la vía diplomática/política — through diplomatic/political channels

    d) (Der) proceedings (pl)

    en vías de: está en vías de solucionarse it's in the process of being resolved; países en vías de desarrollo developing countries; una especie en vías de extinción an endangered species; el plan está en vías de ejecución — the plan is now being carried out

    3) (Ferr) track

    saldrá por la vía dos — (frml) it will depart from track (AmE) o (BrE) platform two (frml)

    un tramo de vía única/de doble vía — a single-track/double-track section

    4) (Anat, Med)

    por vía oral/venosa — orally/intravenously

    por vía renalby o through the kidneys

    * * *

    Ex: The architect's brief specifies that conduit (of sewer pipe size if possible) should be provided for electrical wiring with outlets placed in the ceiling every metre.

    * canal vía satélite = satellite channel.
    * comunicación vía satélite = satellite communication.
    * economía en vías de desarrollo = transitional economy, developing economy.
    * enlace de comunicaciones vía satélite = satellite link.
    * en vías de desarrollo = in course of development, emergent, developing.
    * en vías de jubilación = retiring.
    * especie en (vías de) extinción = endangered species, dying breed.
    * estar en vías de = be on the road to, be in the process of.
    * estar en vías de conseguir = be on the road to.
    * imágenes vía satélite = satellite imagery, satellite image data.
    * infección de las vías urinarias = urinary tract infection.
    * la Vía Láctea = the Milky Way.
    * obstrucción de las vías respiratorias = airway blockage.
    * país en vías de desarrollo = developing country, developing nation, emerging economy, transitional nation, transitional economy, developing economy, country with developing economy.
    * países en vías de desarrollo, los = developing world, the.
    * retransmisión vía Internet = webcast [web cast], cybercast [cyber cast].
    * transmisión vía satélite = satellite transmission.
    * vía de acceso rápido = fast track.
    * vía de comunicación = communication pathway, highway.
    * vía de doble sentido = two-way street.
    * vía de escape = escape route.
    * vía de ferrocarril = railway line.
    * vía de salida = exit lane.
    * vía de servicio = service road.
    * vía de transmisión de datos = data pathway, pathway.
    * vía fluvial = waterways.
    * vía muerta = siding.
    * vía pecuaria = droving road.
    * vía pública = thoroughfare.
    * vía respiratoria = airway.

    * * *
    (ruta, camino): vías romanas Roman roads
    una vía urbana muy concurrida ( frml); a very busy urban thoroughfare ( frml)
    la vía rápida the fast route
    las vías navegables del país the country's waterways
    abrir una vía de diálogo to open a channel o an avenue for dialogue
    ¡dejen vía libre! clear the way!
    dar vía libre a algo to give sth the go-ahead o the green light
    tener vía libre to have a free hand
    (medio, procedimiento): lo hizo por una vía poco ortodoxa he did it in a rather unorthodox way o manner
    por la vía diplomática/política through diplomatic/political channels
    por la vía de la violencia by using violence, by using violent methods o means
    3 ( Der) proceedings (pl)
    Appian Way
    legal action
    access road, slip road ( BrE)
    road ( o rail etc) link
    exit road, off-ramp ( AmE), slip road ( BrE)
    service road
    Milky Way
    sea route, seaway
    ( frml); public highway
    fpl digestive tract
    fpl respiratory tract
    en vías de: el conflicto está en vías de solución the conflict is in the process of being resolved o is nearing a solution o is on the way to being resolved
    países en vías de desarrollo developing countries
    una especie en vías de extinción an endangered species, a species in danger of extinction
    el plan ya está en vías de ejecución the plan is now being carried out o put into practice
    C ( Ferr) track, line ( BrE)
    efectuará su salida por la vía dos ( frml); it will depart from track ( AmE) o ( BrE) platform two ( frml)
    un tramo de vía única/de doble vía a single-track/double-track section
    ( Méx) narrow gauge
    narrow gauge
    ferrocarriles de vía estrecha narrow-gauge railroads ( AmE) o ( BrE) railways
    un empresario de vía estrecha a second-rate businessman
    railroad track ( AmE), railway track o line ( BrE)
    estar en vía muerta «negociaciones» to be deadlocked
    el diálogo ha entrado en vía muerta the talks have reached deadlock
    (medio de transporte): mandan las mercancías por vía aérea/marítima/terrestre they send the goods by air/by sea/by land
    [ S ] vía aérea airmail
    E ( Anat, Med):
    administrar por vía oral to be administered orally
    lo alimentan por vía venosa he is fed intravenously
    la toxina se elimina por vía renal the toxin is eliminated by o through the kidneys
    volamos a México vía Miami we flew to Mexico via Miami
    un enlace vía satélite a satellite link, a link via satellite
    * * *


    vía sustantivo femenino
    a) (ruta, camino):

    una vía al diálogo a channel o an avenue for dialogue;
    ¡dejen vía libre! clear the way!;
    vía de comunicación road (o rail etc) link;
    Vvía Láctea Milky Way;
    vía marítima sea route, seaway

    por vía aérea/marítima/terrestre by air/by sea/by land;

    ( on signs) vía aérea airmail
    c) (medio, procedimiento) channels (pl);

    por la vía diplomática/política through diplomatic/political channels

    en vías de: está en vías de solucionarse it's in the process of being resolved;

    países en vías de desarrollo developing countries;
    una especie en vías de extinción an endangered species
    3 (Ferr) track;
    saldrá por la vía dos it will depart from track (AmE) o (BrE) platform two

    4 (Anat, Med):
    por vía oral/venosa orally/intravenously;

    vías respiratorias/urinarias respiratory/urinary tract
    ■ preposición

    I sustantivo femenino
    1 (camino, ruta) route, way
    2 Ferroc (raíles) line, track
    vía férrea, railway track, US railroad track
    (en la estación) el tren entra por la vía dos, the train arrives at platform o US track two
    3 (modo de transporte) por vía aérea/terrestre/marítima, by air/by land/by sea
    (correo) por vía aérea, airmail
    4 Anat (conducto) tract
    5 Med (administración de fármacos) vía oral, orally
    6 (procedimiento, sistema) channel, means
    por vía diplomática, through diplomatic channels
    II prep (a través de) via: vuelan a París vía Barcelona, they fly to Paris via Barcelona
    vía satélite, via satellite
    ♦ Locuciones: dejar/dar vía libre a algo, to give the go-ahead to sthg
    en vías de, in process of

    ' vía' also found in these entries:
    - aérea
    - aéreo
    - canal
    - cauce
    - conducto
    - contramano
    - férrea
    - férreo
    - láctea
    - lácteo
    - libre
    - media
    - medio
    - obstruir
    - oral
    - tender
    - tendida
    - tendido
    - través
    - vía crucis
    - bifurcación
    - bifurcarse
    - bravío
    - calle
    - comunicación
    - desfilar
    - novio
    - obvio
    - pasar
    - previo
    - salida
    - señalizar
    - terrestre
    - tramo
    - by
    - change
    - channel
    - clearance
    - depart
    - gauge
    - line
    - Milky Way
    - narrow-gauge
    - orally
    - out
    - pent-up
    - platform
    - railway
    - railway line
    - satellite TV
    - service road
    - siding
    - slip-road
    - surface
    - thoroughfare
    - track
    - via
    - waterway
    - way
    - air
    - express
    - fast
    - high
    - milky
    - on
    - rail
    - ramp
    - satellite
    - Serbian
    - shunt
    - slip
    - sweet
    - switch
    - thorough
    - water
    * * *
    1. [ruta] route;
    por vía aérea [en general] by air;
    [correo] (by) airmail;
    por vía terrestre overland, by land;
    solucionar/conseguir algo por la vía rápida to solve/get sth as quickly as possible;
    dar o [m5]dejar vía libre a algo/alguien [dejar paso] to Br give way o US yield to sth/sb;
    [dar permiso] to give sth/sb the go-ahead;
    dar o [m5] dejar vía libre a alguien [dar libertad de acción] to give sb carte blanche;
    tener vía libre [proyecto] to have received the go-ahead;
    tener vía libre para hacer algo to have carte blanche to do sth
    vía de comunicación communication route;
    vía férrea [ruta] railway line, US railroad track;
    vía fluvial waterway;
    la Vía Láctea the Milky Way
    2. [calzada, calle] road;
    en mitad o [m5] en medio de la vía in the middle of the road;
    las vías de acceso a la ciudad the roads leading into the city;
    calle de doble/una vía two-way/one-way street
    vía pública public thoroughfare;
    vía de servicio service o US frontage road
    3. [de ferrocarril] [raíl] rails, track;
    [andén] platform;
    salirse de la vía to be derailed;
    un tramo de vía única/de doble vía a single-track/double-track stretch of line;
    este tren efectuará su salida por la vía 6 this train will depart from platform 6
    vía ancha broad gauge;
    vía estrecha narrow gauge;
    vía muerta siding;
    haber entrado o [m5] estar en vía muerta [proyecto, negociaciones] to have come to a standstill
    4. Anat & Med tract;
    por vía intravenosa intravenously;
    por vía oral orally;
    por vía parenteral parenterally;
    esta enfermedad se transmite por vía sexual this disease is sexually transmitted
    las vías respiratorias the respiratory tract;
    las vías urinarias the urinary tract
    5. [proceso]
    estar en vías de hacer algo to be in the process of doing sth;
    el conflicto parece estar en vías de solucionarse it seems like the conflict is on the way to being resolved o is nearing a solution;
    el proyecto se halla en vías de negociación the project is currently under discussion;
    un paciente en vías de recuperación a patient who is on the road o on his way to recovery;
    un país en vías de desarrollo a developing country;
    una especie en vías de extinción an endangered species
    6. [opción, medio] channel, path;
    primero es necesario agotar la vía diplomática we have to exhaust all the diplomatic options first;
    por la vía del diálogo by means of (a) dialogue, by talking (to each other);
    por la vía de la violencia by using violence;
    por la vía de la meditación through meditation;
    por vía oficial/judicial through official channels/the courts
    7. [en barco] vía de agua leakage, hole [below the water line]
    8. Der procedure
    vía de apremio notification of distraint;
    vía ejecutiva enforcement procedure;
    vía sumaria summary procedure
    nm inv
    vía crucis Rel Stations of the Cross, Way of the Cross; [sufrimiento] ordeal
    volaremos a Sydney vía Bangkok we are flying to Sydney via Bangkok;
    * * *
    I f
    1 FERR track; de autopista lane;
    vías públicas pl public roads;
    vía rápida fast route;
    darle vía libre a alguien fig give s.o. a free hand
    2 ( medio)
    por vía oral MED orally, by mouth;
    por vía judicial through the courts
    en vías de fig in the process of;
    II prp via
    * * *
    vía nf
    1) ruta, camino: road, route, way
    Vía Láctea: Milky Way
    2) medio: means, way
    por vía oficial: through official channels
    3) : track, line (of a railroad)
    4) : tract, passage
    por vía oral: orally
    en vías de : in the process of
    en vías de solución: on the road to a solution
    por vía : by (in transportation)
    por vía aérea: by air, airmail
    vía prep
    : via
    * * *
    vía n
    1. (raíl) track / line
    la vía férrea the railway track / the railway line
    2. (andén) platform

    Spanish-English dictionary > vía

  • 8 barbarisch

    I Adj.
    1. auch fig. pej. barbaric, barbarous; Volk etc.: barbarian; (grausam) barbaric, savage, cruel; (brutal) brutal
    2. umg. (schlimm) dreadful; ich habe einen barbarischen Hunger / Durst I’m ravenous, I could eat a horse / I’m parched, I’m dying for a drink
    II Adv.
    1. sich barbarisch benehmen behave abominably; barbarisch stinken umg. smell etc. awful ( oder appalling)
    2. umg. siehe I 2
    * * *
    Gothic; barbarical; barbaric
    * * *
    bar|ba|risch [bar'baːrɪʃ]
    1. adj
    1) (pej) (= unmenschlich) Grausamkeit, Folter, Sitten barbarous, savage, brutal; (= ungebildet) Benehmen, Mensch barbaric, uncivilized
    2) (HIST) Volk, Stamm barbarian
    2. adv
    1) misshandeln, quälen brutally, savagely
    2) (= entsetzlich) heiß, kalt terribly, horribly
    * * *
    (uncultured and uncivilized: barbarous habits.) barbarous
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. (pej: unmenschlich) barbarous
    \barbarische Folter brutal torture
    eine \barbarische Strafe a savage punishment
    2. (fam: grässlich) barbaric
    3. (fam: unerhört) dreadful, terrible
    4. HIST barbarian
    II. adv
    1. (grausam) brutally
    2. (fam: entsetzlich) dreadfully, awfully
    * * *
    1) (roh) barbarous; savage; barbarous, brutal < torture>
    2) (unzivilisiert) barbaric; barbaric, uncivilized < person>
    1) (roh) barbarously; < torture> barbarously, brutally
    2) (unzivilisiert) barbarically; in an uncivilized manner
    * * *
    A. adj
    1. auch fig pej barbaric, barbarous; Volk etc: barbarian; (grausam) barbaric, savage, cruel; (brutal) brutal
    2. umg (schlimm) dreadful;
    ich habe einen barbarischen Hunger/Durst I’m ravenous, I could eat a horse/I’m parched, I’m dying for a drink
    B. adv
    sich barbarisch benehmen behave abominably;
    barbarisch stinken umg smell etc awful ( oder appalling)
    2. umg A 2
    * * *
    1) (roh) barbarous; savage; barbarous, brutal < torture>
    2) (unzivilisiert) barbaric; barbaric, uncivilized < person>
    1) (roh) barbarously; < torture> barbarously, brutally
    2) (unzivilisiert) barbarically; in an uncivilized manner
    * * *
    barbarian adj.
    barbaric adj.
    barbarous adj. adv.
    barbarically adv.
    barbarously adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > barbarisch

  • 9 huella

    1 footprint.
    huella digital o dactilar fingerprint
    huella genética genetic fingerprint
    2 trace (vestigio).
    3 mark.
    dejar huella to leave one's mark
    4 step.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: hollar.
    * * *
    1 (de pie) footprint; (de ruedas) track
    2 figurado (vestigio) trace, sign
    dejar huella to leave one's mark (en, on)
    no quedar ni huella not to be a trace
    seguir las huellas de alguien figurado to follow in somebody's footsteps
    huella dactilar fingerprint
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) [en el suelo] (=pisada) footprint, footstep; [de coche, animal] track

    huella dactilar, huella digital — fingerprint

    2) (=rastro) trace

    sin dejar huella — without leaving a trace, leaving no sign

    3) (=impronta)
    4) (=acto) tread, treading
    5) [de escalera] tread
    * * *
    a) ( pisada - de persona) footprint, footstep; (- de rueda) track

    las huellas del animalthe animal's tracks o pawprints (o hoofmarks etc)

    b) ( vestigio) mark
    c) ( de escalón) tread
    * * *
    = trace, footprint, imprint, footprint, footprint, track, print.
    Ex. But there was no trace of sinisterness in Balzac's manner.
    Ex. Such compact drives are attractive devices for laptop computers and for internal installation in desktop computers with compact footprints.
    Ex. Harris was a librarian par excellence, whose imprint will become indelible in the history of Nigerian librarianship.
    Ex. In later years, the famous book mythological significance of muddy footprints introduced me to the ancient Hippopotamian culture.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'The Information footprint: a satellite-based information service'.
    Ex. Topics include trees, leaf coloration, buds, seeds, vertebrate animals, animal tracks, insects and other arthropods, earthworms, characteristics of living things, and microhabitats.
    Ex. Some of the exhibition's objects are plaster casts of such perishables as dying daffodil heads and hoof prints.
    * borrar + Posesivo + huellas = cover up + Posesivo + tracks.
    * dejar huella = leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + a trace, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + an impression, leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar huellas = leave + footprints.
    * dejar una huella imborrable = leave + a lasting memory.
    * dejar una huella imborrable = leave + a lasting impression.
    * desaparecer sin dejar huella = evaporate into + thin air, vanish into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * hacer huella = leave + an impression, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * huella dactilar = fingerprint [finger-print].
    * huella de carbono = carbon imprint, carbon footprint.
    * huella dejada por el pulgar = thumb-mark.
    * huella ecológica = ecological imprint, ecological footprint.
    * huellas = set of tracks.
    * identificación mediante las huellas dactilares = finger-print identification.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * * *
    a) ( pisada - de persona) footprint, footstep; (- de rueda) track

    las huellas del animalthe animal's tracks o pawprints (o hoofmarks etc)

    b) ( vestigio) mark
    c) ( de escalón) tread
    * * *
    = trace, footprint, imprint, footprint, footprint, track, print.

    Ex: But there was no trace of sinisterness in Balzac's manner.

    Ex: Such compact drives are attractive devices for laptop computers and for internal installation in desktop computers with compact footprints.
    Ex: Harris was a librarian par excellence, whose imprint will become indelible in the history of Nigerian librarianship.
    Ex: In later years, the famous book mythological significance of muddy footprints introduced me to the ancient Hippopotamian culture.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'The Information footprint: a satellite-based information service'.
    Ex: Topics include trees, leaf coloration, buds, seeds, vertebrate animals, animal tracks, insects and other arthropods, earthworms, characteristics of living things, and microhabitats.
    Ex: Some of the exhibition's objects are plaster casts of such perishables as dying daffodil heads and hoof prints.
    * borrar + Posesivo + huellas = cover up + Posesivo + tracks.
    * dejar huella = leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + a trace, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + an impression, leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar huellas = leave + footprints.
    * dejar una huella imborrable = leave + a lasting memory.
    * dejar una huella imborrable = leave + a lasting impression.
    * desaparecer sin dejar huella = evaporate into + thin air, vanish into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * hacer huella = leave + an impression, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * huella dactilar = fingerprint [finger-print].
    * huella de carbono = carbon imprint, carbon footprint.
    * huella dejada por el pulgar = thumb-mark.
    * huella ecológica = ecological imprint, ecological footprint.
    * huellas = set of tracks.
    * identificación mediante las huellas dactilares = finger-print identification.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.

    * * *
    1 (pisadade una persona) footprint, footstep; (— de un animal) pawprint ( o hoofmark etc)
    siguieron las huellas del animal they followed the animal's tracks o pawprints ( o hoofmarks etc)
    2 (vestigio) mark
    la huella islámica en la literatura española the Islamic influence on Spanish literature
    en su rostro se veía la huella del tiempo time had left its mark on his face ( liter)
    desaparecieron sin dejar huella they disappeared without (a) trace
    carbon footprint
    ecological footprint
    genetic fingerprint
    huellas dactilares or digitales
    fpl fingerprints (pl)
    social impact; social footprint
    * * *


    Del verbo hollar: ( conjugate hollar)

    huella es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    huella sustantivo femenino

    (— de rueda) track;
    las huellas del animal the animal's tracks o pawprints (o hoofmarks etc);

    huellas dactilares fingerprints
    b) ( vestigio) mark;

    huella sustantivo femenino
    1 (pisada) footprint
    (de vehículo, animal) track
    huella dactilar o digital, fingerprint
    2 fig (rastro, señal) trace, sign
    dejar la huella, to leave one's mark: dejó una huella en el cristal, it left a mark on the glass
    ' huella' also found in these entries:
    - estampar
    - imprimir
    - marca
    - pisada
    - seña
    - señal
    - señalar
    - dejar
    - impacto
    - indicio
    - marcar
    - mordida
    - perro
    - rastro
    - reciente
    - resquicio
    - footprint
    - impression
    - imprint
    - mark
    - print
    - sign
    - skidmark
    - suspicion
    - track
    - finger
    - foot
    * * *
    1. [de persona] footprint;
    [de animal, rueda] track;
    seguir las huellas de alguien to follow in sb's footsteps
    huella dactilar fingerprint;
    huella digital fingerprint;
    huella genética genetic fingerprint
    2. [vestigio] trace;
    todavía no han desaparecido las huellas de las inundaciones you can still see the signs of the flooding
    3. [impresión profunda] mark;
    su rostro reflejaba las huellas del esfuerzo her face showed signs of the effort she was putting in;
    dejar huella: desaparecieron sin dejar huella they vanished without trace;
    un estilo de componer que ha dejado huella a style of composing that has been very influential;
    sus enseñanzas dejaron huella en sus discípulos her teachings influenced her followers
    4. [de escalón] tread
    * * *
    f mark; de animal track;
    seguir las huellas de alguien follow in s.o.’s footsteps
    * * *
    huella, etc. hollar
    huella nf
    1) : footprint
    seguir las huellas de alguien: to follow in someone's footsteps
    2) : mark, impact
    dejar huella: to leave one's mark
    sin dejar huella: without a trace
    huella dactilar : fingerprint
    * * *
    1. (de persona) footprint
    2. (de animal, vehículo) track

    Spanish-English dictionary > huella

  • 10 сил нет

    СИЛ НЕТ (у кого) (терпеть, смотреть на кого-что и т.п.; СИЛ моих НЕТ both coll
    [VP; impers; pres or past]
    it is impossible for s.o., beyond s.o.'s strength (to tolerate, look at etc s.o. or sth.):
    - у X-a сил нет X can't bear (endure, stand) it (to do sth.);
    - X can't take it (doing sth.);
    - X can hardly bear it (to do sth.);
    - [in limited contexts] X has reached (is at) the end of his tether (his rope).
         ♦ И вдруг старик упал на колени и, вздевая руки, застонал... "Возьми меня, забери меня, горемычного! Только дай ей дитя! Сил моих нет глядеть на неё... Пожалей нас..." (Айтматов 1). Suddenly the old man fell to his knees and, raising up his arms, he groaned.... "Take me, receive me, wretched as I am. Only give her a child. I can't bear to look at her...Have pity on us" (1b).
         ♦ "Господи, за что же мне это такое наказание! - трясясь от негодования, причитала мать [Влада]. -...Ты скоро вгонишь меня в гроб раньше времени, негодяй!.. Сил моих больше нет!" (Максимов 2). "Lord, what have I done to deserve this punishment?" his [Vlad's] mother wailed, shaking with indignation u... You'll drive me to an early grave, you little horror!...I've reached the end of my tether!" (2a).
         ♦ Не хватало рук для жатвы: соседний однодворец... надул самым бессовестным образом; свои бабы заламывали цены [за работу] неслыханные... "Сил моих нет!" - не раз с отчаянием восклицал Николай Петрович (Тургенев 2). There was a shortage of hands for the harvesting-a neighbor who was a landowner in a small way...had rooked him in a most conscienceless manner; his own peasant women were extorting unheard of wages.... "I'm at the end of my rope!" Nikolai Petrovich had cried out in despair on more than one occasion (2d).
    СИЛ НЕТ; СИЛ НЕТ, КАК <ДО ЧЕГО и т.п.> хочется, нравится, надоело и т.п. all coll
    [these forms only; usu. a clause in a compound or complex sent used as adv (intensif; usu. this WO]
    (some desire, emotion etc) is extremely intense, overwhelming; (s.o. wants, likes, is tired of etc sth.) to an extreme, overwhelming degree:
    - сил нет, как хочется s.o. is dying for sth.;
    - s.o. has a craving < a hankering> for sth.;
    || сил нет, как нравится s.o. is crazy about sth.;
    - s.o. is bananas over sth.;
    - s.o. would jump at the chance (to do sth.);
    || сил нет, до чего надоело s.o. is sick to death < sick and tired> of sth.;
    - s.o. is fed < has had it> up to here with sth.;
    - s.o. is fed to the gills with sth.
         ♦ Сил нет, как хочется закурить. I'm dying for a cigarette.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > сил нет

  • 11 come

    1. I
    1) coming! иду!; come and have supper with us (and hear her, etc.) приходите к нам поужинать и т. д.', people come and go люди приходят и уходят; let' em all come! пусть они все приезжают!; has anybody come? кто-нибудь приходил?; the саг has come машина пришла
    2) I waited for the books to come я ждал, когда придут /прибудут, доставят/ книги; dinner came принесли обед
    3) help (money, your order, etc.) came пришла /подоспела/ помощь и т. д.
    4) day (the holiday, Christmas, his turn, etc.) came день и т. д. наступил; old age came подошла старость; when the time came когда пришло /подошло/ время; crisis came наступил кризис; after many years had come and gone no прошествии многих лет; in days (years, etc.) to come в будущем, в грядущие годы; in the life to come в дальнейшей жизни; he will stay here for some.time (for some months, etc.) to come он пробудет здесь еще некоторое время и т. д.', his troubles are yet to come неприятности у него еще впереди, ему еще предстоят неприятности; be ready for whatever comes будьте готовы ко всему, что может случиться
    5) his teeth begin to come у него начинают появляться /прорезаться/ зубы; his colour came and went он то краснел, то бледнел; the pain comes and goes боль то появляется, то исчезает; the light comes and goes свет то загорается, то гаснет
    2. II
    1) come in some manner come reluctantly (briskly, swiftly, constantly, silently, hesitatingly, jauntily, drunkenly, etc.) неохотно и т. д. приходить /подходить/; come он foot прийти пешком; they came one by one (one after another) они шли (приходили) по одному и т. д.; come at some time comeevery day (tomorrow, soon, etc.) приходить каждый день и т. д., you go on, I'm just coming вы идите, я сейчас приду; he has not come yet? он еще не пришел /не приехал/?; who is coming today? кто сегодня приезжает?; come and see me tomorrow приходите ко мне завтра [повидаться]; come somewhere come home (here, there, etc.) приходить домой и т. д.; are you coming my way? вам со мной по пути?; come in! войдите!; come out выходить; come up подняться [наверх]; I'm still in bed, can you come up? я еще [лежу] в постели, вы не могли бы подняться ко мне?; come down сойти /спуститься/ [вниз]; come back прийти назад /обратно/, вернуться; this fashion has come back эта мода и т. д. вернулась [снова]; come away отходить [прочь]; you're too near the stove, come away ты стоишь слишком близко к плите, отойди подальше: come nearer подойдите поближе; come forward выступать вперед; several members of our group came forward a) несколько членов нашей группы выступили /вышли/ вперед; б) из нашей группы вызвалось несколько добровольцев; come by /past/ проходить мимо; did you see anyone come by? тут никто не проходил?
    2) come at some time post comes every day (twice a day, etc.) почта приходит /почту приносят, привозят, доставляют/ каждый день и т. д.; dinner came at last обед наконец принесли
    3) come at some time inspiration ( love, sleep, etc.) never came вдохновение и т. д. так и не пришло; help came at last (soon enough, etc.) наконец и т. д. подоспела помощь; summer came early (late) лето наступило /пришло/ рано (поздно), лето было раннее (позднее); this holiday comes once a year этот праздник бывает один раз в году
    4) come at lame time buds come every spring почки появляются каждую весну; this flower comes once a year этот цветок цветет раз в год
    5) come in some manner the job is coning nicely (badly, etc..) работа идет хорошо и т.д., the garden is coming well в моем саду все хорошо растет
    3. III
    1) come some distance come a long way (three miles, etc.) пройти большой /длинный/ путь и т. д.
    2) come smb. coll. come the grand dame (the swell, the stern parent, the great man, etc.) напускать на себя вид светской дамы и т. д.
    4. X
    1) come to be in some state he came [back] refreshed in mind and body (changed, etc.) он вернулся отдохнувшим душой и телом и т. д.
    2) 0 come undone /untied/ развязаться; come unstitched / unsown/ распороться, разойтись по шву; come unstuck отклеиться
    5. XIII
    1) come to do smth. come to borrow a dictionary (to paint the house, to work, to clean the windows, to get this book. to see him, etc.) прийти [, чтобы] взять на время словарь и т. д.
    2) come to do smth. I came to believe that (to use it, to understand it, to see that I was mistaken, etc.) я стал /начал/ верить этому и т. д.; he came to see the problem in a new light он теперь видит эту проблему в новом свете; now I came to know him better... теперь, когда я узнал его лучше...; when I come to die... когда настанет мой смертный час...; how did you come to hear of it (to know this, to learn where she is living, to do that, to think of this, etc.)? как случилось, что вы узнали об этом и т. д.?; now that I come to think of it he is right подумав об этом еще раз /обдумав этот вопрос/, я понял, что он прав; come to be done the streets have come to be used as motor parks
    come to be smb. he came to be a famous man (a good violinist, etc.) он стал знаменитым и т. д.; come to be in some state how does the door come to be open? почему открыта дверь?
    6. XIV
    come doing smth. he came running он прибежал /примчался/; she came laughing она пришла или вошла смеясь /со смехом/; the sunshine came streaming in through the windows солнечные лучи, проникавшие через окно, заливали комнату; the rain came pouring down дождь лил как из ведра; the train came puffing into the station поезд пыхтя подошел к станции
    7. XV
    come first (third, etc.) приходить первым и т. д.
    come to be in some state come loose ослабнуть, расшататься; come apart /asunder/ развалиться на части, распасться; things will come right coll. все будет в порядке; come true сбываться; come alive оживать; good clothes come high /expensive/ хорошие вещи стоят дорого; it comes cheaper if you buy things in bulk если покупать оптом, выходит дешевле; rising early comes easy with practice если привык рано вставать, то это совсем нетрудно; it comes natural to some people у некоторых людей это получается без всякого труда; come clean sl. "расколоться", все рассказать
    8. XVI
    1) come into (out of, to, from, along, across, etc.) some place come Into a room войти в комнату: come into the garden выйти в сад; the train came into the station поезд подошел к станции; come out of a room (out of a place, out of a house, etc.) выходить из комнаты и т. д., come to a river (to a bridge, to a village, to a station, etc.) подходить /приходить/ к реке и т. д.', come from another country (from London. etc.) приехать из другой страны и т. д.', come down from a tree спуститься с дерева; come down to this level (to the 5 ft level, etc.) опуститься до этого уровня и т. д.; come by the house (round the church, across the Alps, etc.) пройти /проехать/ мимо дома и т. д.; come through his clothes (through the wood, through the wall, etc.) проникать сквозь /через/ одежду и т. д.; come with smb. I'm coming with you я иду с вами; come with me a little way пройдемте немного со мной; will you come with me to India? вы поедете со мной в Индию?; come after smb. come after his sister идти /приходить/ вслед за его сестрой; come for /after/ smth., smb. come for one's book (for their ladder, for his present, for you, etc.) приходить за своей книгой и т. д.; they came after my passport они пришли за моим паспортом; come in smth. come in groups (in swarms. in twoes, etc.) приходить (идти) группами и т. д.: come by smth. come by саг (by train, by air, by boat, etc.) приезжать машиной /на машине/ и т. д.; come (at some time come on the tenth (before midnight, after lunch, in the evening, etc.) приходить /приезжать/ десятого и т.д.; she won't come till late она не придет допоздна; come off smth. come oft a bicycle (off a horse, off a ship, etc.) сойти с велосипеда и т. д.
    2) come on smth. there came a knock on the door послышался стук в дверь, в дверь постучали
    3) come for smth. come for advice (for an explanation, for an answer, etc.) приходить /обращаться/ за советом и т. д.; come to smb. why didn't you come to me? почему вы не пришли /не обратились/ ко мне?; you came to the wrong person вы пришли / обратились/ не к тому человеку; come before smb., smth. come before a judge (before a conciliation court, before the United Nations Assembly, etc.) представать перед судьей и т. д.; the matter came before the international court (the League of Nations, etc.) это дело разбиралось в международном арбитраже и т. д.
    4) come to smb. love (inspiration, etc.) came to him к нему пришла /его посетила/ любовь и т. д.; everything comes to him who waits все приходит к тому, кто умеет ждать; come upon smb. a disaster (a misfortune, a calamity, bad luck, etc.) came upon them у них произошло /их постигло/ несчастье и т. д., fear came upon me меня охватил страх; come over smb. what has come over him? что на него нашло?; а fit of dizziness came over me мне стало нехорошо, у меня закружилась голова; а change has come over him он изменился; come into (across) smth. an idea (a thought, a plan, etc.) came into my head /into my mind, across my mind/ мне в голову пришла идея и т. д.; come upon (to) smb. it came upon me that... я вдруг понял /подумал/, что...; the answer came to him вдруг он понял, как надо ответить
    5) come after (before, on, etc.) smth., smb. spring comes after winter (May comes after April, New Year comes after Christmas, etc.) после зимы приходит /наступает/ весна и т.д.; historians (painters, etc.) that came after him историки и т. д., жившие после него; generations (civilizations, etc.) that came before him предшествующие поколения и т. д.; come in (on) smth. that poem comes on the next page это стихотворение дано на следующей странице; her aria comes in the 3d act ее ария будет в третьем акте; snow comes in winter снег выпадает зимой; new leaves came in spring весной появились свежие листочки; come into (to, in) smth. a look of perplexity came into his face выражение недоумения появилось у него на лице; а smile came to his lips он улыбнулся; tears came in her eyes на.ее глаза навернулись слезы; come to the surface всплывать, подниматься на поверхность; come into sight появиться в поле зрения; come into the world появиться на свет; come between smb. he (his money, her sister, etc.) came between them он и т. д. встал между ними; а misunderstanding came between them между ними возникло недоразумение; enmity came between them они стали врагами
    6) come to smth. come to this question (to the next item on the agenda, to the section on health, etc.) перейти к этому вопросу и т.д., come near smth. come near perfection приближаться к совершенству; I cannot come near that painter я не могу сравниться с этим художником, мне до этого художника очень далеко
    7) come to smth. come to one's knees
    (to her ankles, to the ground, to her waist, etc.) доходить до колен и т. д., the forest comes right to the lake лес подходит к самому озеру
    8) semiaux come into smth. come into blossom /into flower/ зацвести; come into leaf одеться листвой; trees came into bud на деревьях набухли почки
    9) come to smth. come to an understanding (to a decision, to an agreement, to terms with him, etc.) достигнуть понимания и т. д.; come to an end закончиться; come to the end of one's money /of one's resources/ исчерпать свои ресурсы; our talks came to a standstill наши переговоры зашли в тупик; the boys came to blows у мальчишек дело дошло до драки
    10) semiaux come to smth. come to L 6 (to a nice lot of money, to L 1000 a year, etc.) равняться шести фунтам и т. д.; исчисляться шестью фунтами и т.д; how much does it come to? a) сколько это будет стоить?; б) чему это равняется?; duty comes to more than this thing is worth пошлина превышает стоимость самой вещи; what he knows does not come to much его знания /сведения/ немногого стоят; come to the same thing сводиться к тому же самому; all his efforts (his plans, etc.) came to naught /to nothing/ из его стараний и т. д. ничего не вышло; if it comes to that если дело дойдет до этого; what are things coming to? к чему все идет?
    11) come to (into) smth. this law will soon come into force /into effect/ этот закон вскоре вступит в силу; come to the throne занять престол; come (in)to power прийти к власти; come into fashion (into use) входить в моду (в употребление); these two tendencies came into conflict эти две тенденции вступили в противоречие; he came to life он пришел в себя /ожил/ the conflict came to a boil конфликт назрел; when all the facts came to light когда стали известны /выяснились/ все факты; it came to my notice /to my ears, to my knowledge мне стало известно об этом; they will come to no harm с ними ничего не случится; he will come to a bad end /to no good, to grief/ он плохо кончит; come of age достичь совершеннолетия
    12) come of /from, out of/ smth. this comes of carelessness (of your indiscretion, of disobedience, etc.) вот что получается в результате небрежности и т. д., вот к чему приводит небрежность и т. д.', what came of it? что из этого вышло?; nothing came of the matter ничего из этого дела не получилось; nothing came out of all this talk эти разговоры ничего не дали; success often comes from hard work успех нередко достигается упорным трудом
    13) come through smth. come. through trials (through sufferings, through a serious illness, etc.) пройти через испытания и т.д., come through two world wars пережить две мировые войны
    14) come upon /across/ smb., smth. come upon /across/ one's friend (these people, etc.) случайно встретить друга и т. д, I have just come upon him (across the postman, upon your brother, etc.) я только что [случайно] столкнулся с ним и т. д.; come upon the right answer (upon a secret, upon a jar full of ancient coins, etc.) натолкнуться на /случайно найти/ правильный ответ и т. д, I came across this in a curio shop (across this magazine, across an envelope with her note in it, etc.) мне случайно попалась эта вещь в антикварном магазине и т. д.; wandering through these valleys you will come across rare minerals, plants and butterflies бродя по этим долинам, можно отыскать /найти/ редкие минералы, растения и бабочек
    15) come at smb. he came at these people (at me, at the intruder, at the boys with a heavy stick, etc.) он бросился на этих людей и т. д; just let me come at you! дай мне только добраться до тебя!
    16) come into smth. come into a property (into an inheritance, into a fortune, into an estate, into money, into a nice income, into business, etc.) получить /приобрести/ собственность и т. д.', come into favour войти в милость, заслужить благосклонность
    17) come under smth. come under another heading (under the penalty of the law, etc.) подходить под другую рубрику и т. д, what regulations does this come under? в каких правилах это предусмотрено?; come within smth. come within my duties (within my lot, etc.) входить в мои обязанности и т. д.', come before smth. counts (barons) come before baronets титул графа и барона выше титула баронета
    18) come in smth. come in several sizes (in different colours, etc.) быть разных размеров и т. д.; these things come in tubes (in boxes, etc.) такие товары продаются в тюбиках и т. д.
    19) come from /of/ smb., smth. he comes from a good family (of noble parents, of peasant stock, etc.) он [происходит] из хорошей семьи и т. д., he comes from my native place (from Kent, from Florida, etc.) он [родом] из наших мест и т. д., where do you come from? откуда вы родом?; this word comes from Latin это слово латинского происхождения /пришло из латыни/; this quotation comes from Pushkin это цитата из Пушкина; the money came to him from his father (from his wife, from a rich uncle, etc.) он получил деньги от отца и т. д.; wine comes from grapes вино делают из винограда; coffee comes from Brazil кофе импортируют из Бразилии; much of the Iamb eaten in England comes from New Zealand большая часть баранины, потребляемой в Англии, ввозится из Новой Зеландии
    20) come from smth., smb. a sob came from her throat у нее вырвалось рыдание; no word came from him он никак не давал о себе знать; everything that comes from him is evil от него исходит только дурное
    9. XVII
    1) come to doing smth. when (if) it comes to making a decision (to buying a house, etc.) если придется решать и т. д.; he came near to leaving her (to dying, to killing himself, etc.) он чуть было не бросил ее и т. д.
    2) come of doing smth. this is what comes of losing hope (of grumbling, of trying to help people, of judging by the eye, etc.) вот что получается, когда человек теряет надежду и т. д; what came of all your careful planning? что вышло из всех ваших точных расчетов?; come of being in some state it comes of being careless (of being in a hurry, of being tired, etc.) это происходит из-за небрежности и т. д.', come of being of some quality this comes of being so shy (of being miserly, of being illiterate, etc.) это является результатом робости и т. д.
    10. XXI1
    come smth. over smb. coll. he likes to come the heavy father over me он любит проявлять свой отцовскую власть надо мной
    11. XXV
    1) come when... time will come when... настанет время, когда... || come what may будь, что будет
    2) come that... how does it come that you quarreled ( that there are only two, that you didn't get here in time, etc.)? как случилось, что вы поссорились и т. д.?
    12. XXVII2
    come into (to) smth. that... (why..., etc.) it came into my head that мне пришло в голову, что...; it came to my hearing that... до меня дошло, что...; if it comes to that why don't you tell him yourself? раз такие дело или если на то пошло, почему ты сам ему не скажешь?

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > come

  • 12 distinguish

    1. III
    1) distinguish smth., smb.,distinguish a distant object (the outlines of a building, a man standing] behind a tree, etc.) различить предмет вдалеке и т. д.; distinguish the sound of an engine (of his voice, of the song, etc.) расслышать / уловить / звук мотора и т. д.
    2) distinguish smb., smth. with the geniality (with the brilliance, with the wit, etc.) that distinguishes him со свойственным / присущим / ему добродушием и т. д., realism that distinguishes his novels реализм, который отличает его романы / характерен для его романов
    2. IV
    distinguish smth., smb. in some manner I distinguished the outlines of the house (her figure, him, etc.) clearly я ясно различал очертания дома и т.д.
    3. XI
    1) be distinguished by smth. be distinguished by his manner (by a peculiar style, by long ears, etc.) отличаться / выделиться / своим поведением / своей манерой / и т. д.
    2) be distinguished for smth. be distinguished for his virtues (for her vices, for his talent, etc.) отличаться / быть известным / своими добродетелями и т. д., he is distinguished for his style его выделяют как хорошего стилиста, он известен как хороший стилист
    4. XVI
    distinguish between smb., smth. distinguish between the two brothers (between different things, between colours, etc.) различать братьев и т. д., отличать одного брата от другого и т. д.
    5. XVIII
    distinguish oneself by smth. distinguish oneself by bravery (by doing smth., etc.) отличиться / прославиться / храбростью и т. д.; distinguish oneself in smth. distinguish oneself in literature (in one's profession, etc.) запить видное место / выдвинуться / в литературе и т. д.; distinguish oneself in the war отличиться / прославиться / на войне
    6. XXI1
    1) distinguish smth., smb. in smth. distinguish land in the distance заметить сушу вдали; I could distinguish nothing in the dying light (in the dark, in the fog, etc.) я ничего не мог различить / я ничего не видел / в угасающем свете и т.д.
    2) distinguish smth., smb. from smth., smb. distinguish gold from copper (real pearls from imitation ones, good from evil, man from animal, one twin from the other, him from his brother, etc.) отличать золото от меди и т. д.
    7. XXV
    distinguish what... I can't distinguish what he is saying я не могу разобрать, что он говорит

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > distinguish

  • 13 pick

    1. I
    1) are the cherries ripe enough to pick? вишни поспели для сбора?, вишни уже можно собирать? они созрели?
    2) I don't know which of the three dresses to pick не знаю, какое из этих трех платьев и выбрать id pick and choose выбирать
    2. II
    pick in some manner grapes pick easily виноград легко снимать /собирать/
    3. III
    1) pick smth., smb. pick a good boot (one's friends, the least deserving candidate, etc.) выбирать хорошую книгу и т.д.; pick one's words [тщательно] выбирать слова /выражения/; pick sides а) выбрать команду; б) встать на чью-л. сторону; pick one's way /one's steps/ пробираться, тщательно выбирать дорогу
    2) pick smth. pick flowers (fruit, apples, grapes, etc.) собирать /срывать/ цветы и т.д.; pick a pimple (wound) сковырнуть прыщ (корочку ранки) ногтем; the little birds were picking grain птички клевали зерно; the raven picked out their eyes ворон выклевал им глаза
    3) pick smb., smth. pick a goose (a hen, a chicken. a fowl, etc.) общипывать гуся и т.д.; pick a bone обгладывать кость; pick one's teeth (one's nose) ковырять в зубах (в носу); pick a lock открывать замок отмычкой; pick smb.'s pocket залезть кому-л. в карман, украсть из кармана; pick smb.'s brain использовать чужие мысли
    4) || pick the strings перебирать струны
    4. IV
    pick smth. in some manner pick smth. hastily (painfully, cautiously, obediently, aimlessly, shrewdly, laboriously, etc.) поспешно и т.д. выбирать что-л.
    5. VI
    pick smth. to some state pick the bone clean обглодать кость
    6. VII
    pick smth. to do smth. pick a tie to go with this shirt подобрать /выбрать/ галстук к этой рубашке; you certainly picked a nice time to start an argument! ну и выбрали же вы время для спора!
    7. XVI
    1) pick on smb. the boss picked on me to do the job начальник выбрал меня для этой работы; you're always picking on me сон, вечно ты ко мне пристаешь; pick over smth. coll. pick over fruit (over strawberries, over vegetables, over clothing, etc.) перебирать /выбирать/ фрукты и т.д.
    2) pick at smth. the dying man picked at the bedclothes умирающий перебирал /теребил/ простыню; pick at the food ковырять в тарелке, ковыряться в пище; pick off smth. pick off flakes of paint сковыривать краску
    3) pick off dead flower heads срывать засохшие головки цветов
    8. XXI1
    1) pick smth. on (out of, off, etc.) smth. pick all the peaches on the tree сорвать все персики с дерева; pick a thorn out of one's finger вытащить занозу из пальца; pick a thread off smb.'s coat снять нитку у кого-л. с пиджака; pick the meat off /from/ a bone обгладывать кость; I picked this button off the floor pick is it yours? это ваша пуговица? pick я нашел ее на полу, я поднял ее с пола
    2) || pick one's way along (in, under, etc.) smth. пробираться вдоль и т.д. чего-л.; pickone's way along a muddy road осторожно пробираться по грязной дороге
    3) pick smb., smth. at some place pick a winning horse (a winner) at the races правильно назвать лошадь, которая выиграет на скачках (угадать победителя на скачках)

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > pick

  • 14 visit

    1. I
    the doctor is out visiting доктора нет дома, он уехал к больным
    2. III
    1) visit smth. visit museums (a picture-gallery, a factory, public houses, billiard saloons, etc.) посещать музеи и т.д.; he had no time to visit the Tower у него не было времени, чтобы посетить /посмотреть/ Тауэр; visit Rome (Scotland, Italy, foreign countries, new scenes, etc.) побывать в Риме и т.д.; visit the scene of the crime вернуться на место преступления; visit smb. visit one's friends (one's relations, one's aunt, a new neighbour, one's patients, a sick person, a dying woman, the poor, etc.) навещать друзей и т.д.
    2) visit smth. book. plague and famine often visit this country чума и голод visit частые гости в этой стране
    3. IV
    visit smth. in some manner visit smth. traditionally (periodically, annually, openly, surreptitiously, etc.) традиционно /по традиции/ посещать что-л. и т.д.; visit smb. in some manner he visited me several times while I was in bed with a broken leg он приходил ко мне /навещал меня/ несколько раз, когда я лежал со сломанной ногой
    4. XI
    1) be visited by smb. the exhibition was largely visited by foreigners выставку посещало много иностранцев; а spot visited by few место, где мало кто бывает; be visited by smth. the place is never visited by the sun сюда никогда не заглядывает солнце
    2) be visited by smth. book, the place was recently visited by an epidemic (by a hurricane, by a serious volcanic eruption, etc.) там недавно разразилась эпидемия и т.д.; the poet Burns was visited by fits of gloom Берне страдал от приступов меланхолии; to make matters worse he was visited by a severe illness в добавление ко всему он серьезно заболел
    5. XVI
    visit with smb. USA visit with friends (with them, with my aunt, etc.) гостить у друзей и т.д.; visit at /in/ some place visit at the farm (in Paris, in the country, at a new hotel, etc.) гостить на ферме и т.д.
    6. XXI1
    1) visit smb. at /in/ some place he visited her at her residence (in New York, etc.) он побывал у нее /посетил ее у нее/ дома
    2) visit smth. (up)on smb. book. visit one's anger (up)on smb. вымещать свой гнев на ком-л.; visit punishment (up)on smb. наслать кару на кого-л.; visit vengeance (up)on smb. отомстить кому-л.; visit the sins of the fathers upon the children наказывать детей за греха отцов; visit smb. with smth. book. visit smb. with disease (with blindness, with poverty, etc.) наслать на кого-л. болезнь и т.д.; visit smb. with salvation даровать /ниспослать/ кому-л. спасение

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > visit

  • 15 worry

    1. I
    don't worry! не беспокойтесь!, не волнуйтесь!, успокойтесь!, будьте спокойны!; you have no cause to worry у вас нет для беспокойства никаких причин; I should worry! coll. а мне-то что за дело!; мне наплевать!
    2. II
    worry in some manner worry badly (morbidly, perpetually, needlessly, desperately, etc.) сильно и т.д. волноваться /беспокоиться/; worry in fits and starts время от времени /то и дело/ беспокоиться /волноваться/; worry for some time worry long давно тревожиться /беспокоиться/
    3. III
    1) worry smb. his prolonged absence (his poor health, the baby's cough, etc.) worries me (his parents, etc.) меня и т.д. беспокоит /тревожит/ его длительное отсутствие и т.д.; don't let that worry you пусть это вас не беспокоит /не волнует/; the noise of the traffic (of smb.'s typewriter, of bells, etc.) worries her (my colleagues, etc.) ее и т.д. раздражает шум уличного движения и т.д.; his old wound (his toothache, etc.) worries him (my brother, etc.) его и т.д. беспокоит /мучит/ старая рана и т.д.
    2) worry smb. Anne, you mustn't worry granny Энн, ты не должна надоедать /приставать к/ бабушке; don't worry him! оставьте его в покое!; worry the enemy mil. беспокоить противника
    3) worry smb., smth. worry a rat (a dog, a cat, a sheep, a ball, etc.) терзать /рвать [зубами], трепать/ крысу и т.д.
    4. IV
    worry smb. at some time the boy worries me sometimes иногда мальчик внушает мне опасения /тревожит меня/; that's what is worrying her now вот что ее сейчас волнует; worry smb. in some manner his old wound (his toothache, etc.) worries him a good deal его сильно беспокоит /мучит/ старая рана и т.д.
    5. VII
    worry smb. to do smth. she was always worrying her husband to buy a car она все время приставала к мужу, чтобы он купил автомобиль
    6. XI
    be worried I knew that they were worried я понял, что они обеспокоены /взволнованы/; be worried about / over/ smth. I'm so worried about /over/ my son's health меня очень беспокоит здоровье сына; be worried by smth. one cannot afford to be worried by such things нельзя допускать, чтобы такие вещи причиняли беспокойство; be worried doing smth. I'm a bit worried wondering if I've really hurt him меня беспокоит, не ушиб ли я его; be worried that... (when.., etc.) I was worried that he was getting no exercise меня беспокоило то, что он ведет сидячий образ жизни /мало двигается/; we were so worried when we got her letter мы так взволновались, когда получили от нее письмо
    7. XIV
    worry doing smth. don't worry trying to find it worry-it'll turn up one day не трудитесь искать /не утруждайте себя поисками/ worry когда-нибудь найдется
    8. XVI
    worry about /over/ smth., smb. worry about one's health (about examinations, about unemployment, about oneself, about one's future, about one's work, about trifles, over the situation, etc.) беспокоиться /волноваться/ по поводу своего здоровья и т.д.; don't [you] worry about /over/ me! обо мне не беспокойтесь!; she worries about /over/ little things ее волнуют всякие мелочи /пустяки/; worry about nothing волноваться зря /из-за пустяков/
    9. XVII
    worry about doing smth. worry about losing one's way (about dying, about getting fat, etc.) волноваться /беспокоиться/ по поводу того, что заблудишься и т.д.
    10. XXI1
    1) worry smb., smth. about /over/ smb., smth. don't worry yourself about the children не беспокойтесь о детях; don't worry your head about him (over the affair, etc.) не ломайте себе голову по его поводу и т.д.; worry smb. to smth. she is worrying herself to death волнение /тревога/ доведет ее до могилы
    2) worry smb. for smth. worry smb. for more money приставать к кому-л. с просьбами /требованиями/ дать еще денег; worry smb. with smth. worry smb. with demands осаждать кого-л. требованиями; worry smb. with silly questions одолевать /мучить/ кого-л. глупыми вопросами; worry smb. into smth. worry smb. into illness (into the cemetery, etc.) довести кого-л. до болезни и т.д. (приставанием, просьбами, вопросами и т.п.) || worry smb. to death уморить кого-л., загнать кого-л. в могилу (приставанием, просьбами и т.п.)
    11. XXV
    worry if (what..., etc.) worry if smb. is late (what will happen, what it will lead to, etc.) волноваться /беспокоиться/, если кто-л. опаздывает и т.д.
    12. XXVII1
    worry about (over) what... (how..., etc.) worry about (over) what will happen беспокоиться о том, что произойдет; I couldn't help worrying about how he would get there я не мог не волноваться /не беспокоиться/ по поводу того, как он туда доберется

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > worry

  • 16 θάνατος

    θάνατος, ου, ὁ (Hom.+)
    the termination of physical life, death
    natural death J 11:4, 13; Hb 7:23; 9:15f; Rv 18:8 (s. also 1d); 1 Cl 9:3. Opp. ζωή (Mel., P. 49, 355; cp. 2a.) Ro 7:10; 8:38; 1 Cor 3:22; 2 Cor 1:9 (s. also 1bα); Phil 1:20. γεύεσθαι θανάτου taste death = die (γεύομαι 2) Mt 16:28; Mk 9:1; Lk 9:27; J 8:52; Hb 2:9b. Also ἰδεῖν θάνατον (Astrampsychus p. 26 Dec. 48, 2. Also θεάομαι θ. p. 6 ln. 53) Lk 2:26; Hb 11:5; ζητεῖν τὸν θ. Rv 9:6 (where follows φεύγει ὁ θ. ἀπʼ αὐτῶν). θανάτου καταφρονεῖν despise death ISm 3:2; Dg 10:7a (Just., A II, 10, 8 al.; Tat. 11, 1 al.). περίλυπος ἕως θανάτου sorrowful even to the point of death (Jon 4:9 σφόδρα λελύπημαι ἕως θανάτου; Sir 37:2) Mt 26:38; Mk 14:34; ἄχρι θ. to the point of death of a devotion that does not shrink even fr. the sacrifice of one’s life Rv 2:10; 12:11 (TestJob 5:1; cp. Just., D. 30, 2 μέχρι θ. al.); διώκειν ἄχρι θανάτου persecute even to death Ac 22:4. Also διώκειν ἐν θανάτῳ B 5:11. διώκειν εἰς θ. AcPl Ha 11, 20 (opp. εἰς ζωήν). εἰς θ. πορεύεσθαι go to one’s death Lk 22:33. [ἀναβῆναι] εἰς τὸν τοῦ θανάτου [τόπον] AcPl Ha 6, 30. ἀσθενεῖν παραπλήσιον θανάτῳ be nearly dead with illness Phil 2:27; ἐσφαγμένος εἰς θ. receive a fatal wound Rv 13:3a. ἡ πληγὴ τοῦ θανάτου a fatal wound 13:3b, 12. φόβος θανάτου Hb 2:15.
    of death as a penalty (Thu. et al.; Diod S 14, 66, 3: the tyrant is μυρίων θανάτων τυχεῖν δίκαιος=‘worthy of suffering countless deaths’; Just., A I, 45, 5 θανάτου ὁρισθέντος κατὰ … τῶν ὁμολογούντων τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ Χριστοῦ al.).
    α. as inflicted by secular courts ἔνοχος θανάτου ἐστίν he deserves death (ἔνοχος 2bα) Mt 26:66; Mk 14:64; παραδιδόναι εἰς θ. betray, give over to death Mt 10:21; Mk 13:12 (ApcEsdr 3:12 p. 27, 23 Tdf.). θανάτῳ τελευτᾶν die the death = be punished w. death Mt 15:4; Mk 7:10 (both Ex 21:17). ἄξιον θανάτου, deserving death (the entire clause οὐδὲν … αὐτῷ=he is not guilty of any capital crime; cp. Jos., Ant. 11, 144) Lk 23:15 (s. αἴτιος 2); Ac 23:29; 25:11, 25. αἴτιον θανάτου Lk 23:22 (s. αἴτιος 2). Also αἰτία θανάτου (Lucian, Tyrannic. 11) Ac 13:28; 28:18; κρίμα θ. sentence of death: παραδιδόναι εἰς κρίμα θ. sentence to death Lk 24:20; fig. ἐν ἑαυτοῖς τὸ ἀπόκριμα τοῦ θ. ἐσχήκαμεν 2 Cor 1:9. κατακρίνειν τινὰ θανάτῳ (εἰς θάνατον v.l.) condemn someone to death Mt 20:18.—Several of the pass. just quoted refer to the death sentence passed against Christ; sim., θάνατος is freq. used
    β. of the death of Christ gener. (Just., D. 52, 4 al.; ἀνθρώπου θ. ἀποθανεῖν Orig., C. Cels. 1, 61, 40): Ro 5:10; 6:3–5; 1 Cor 11:26; Phil 2:8a; 3:10; Col 1:22; Hb 2:14a; IEph 7:2; 19:1; IMg 9:1; ITr 2:1. τὸ πάθημα τ. θανάτου the suffering of death Hb 2:9. ἕως θανάτου καταντῆσαι even to meet death Pol 1:2.—GWiencke, Pls über Jesu Tod ’39.—The expr. ὠδῖνες τοῦ θανάτου, used Ac 2:24 in a passage referring to Christ, comes fr. the LXX, where in Ps 17:5 and 114:3 it renders חֶבְלֵי־מָוֶת (cp. 1QH 3, 7–12). This would lit. be ‘bonds of death’. But an interchange of חֶבֶל ‘bond’ and חֵבֶל ‘pain’, specif. ‘birth-pangs’, has made of it pangs of death (cp. a sim. interchange in 2 Km 22:6 al. LXX, and the expr. in Pol 1:2 λύσας τ. ὠδῖνας τοῦ ᾅδου after Ac 2:24 v.l.). This results in a remarkably complex metaphor (s. BGildersleeve, Pindar 1885, 355 on ‘telescoped’ metaphor) Ac 2:24, where death is regarded as being in labor, and unable to hold back its child, the Messiah (s. Beginn. IV ad loc.; Field, Notes 112).
    γ. of natural death as divine punishment (Did., Gen. 148, 25; 171, 9) Ro 5:12ab; 21; 1 Cor 15:21; B 12:2, 5.
    of the danger of death (2 Ch 32:11) σῴζειν τινὰ ἐκ θανάτου save someone fr. death (PsSol 13:2 [ἀπὸ … θ.]; Ael. Aristid. 45 p. 120 D.; Just., D. 98, 1 σωθῆναι ἀπὸ τοῦ θ.) Hb 5:7. Also ῥύεσθαι ἐκ θ. 2 Cor 1:10 (Just., D. 111, 3). θάνατοι danger(s)/perils of death (Epict. 4, 6, 2; Ptolem., Apotel. 2, 9, 5; Ael. Aristid. 46 p. 307 D.: ὥσπερ Ὀδυσσεὺς θ.; Maximus Tyr. 15, 8a; Philo, In Flacc. 175 προαποθνῄσκω πολλοὺς θανάτους) 11:23. μέχρι θανάτου ἐγγίζειν come close to dying Phil 2:30. 2 Cor 4:11, cp. vs. 12, is reminiscent of the constant danger of death which faced the apostle as he followed his calling.
    of the manner of death (Artem. 1, 31 p. 33, 10; 4, 83 p. 251, 16 μυρίοι θ.=‘countless kinds of death’; TestAbr A 20 p. 102, 25 [Stone p. 52] ἑβδομήκοντα δύο εἰσὶν θ.; ParJer 9:22; Ps.-Hecataeus: 264 Fgm. 21, 191 Jac. [in Jos., C. Ap. 1, 191]) ποίῳ θ. by what kind of death J 12:33; 18:32; 21:19. θ. σταυροῦ Phil 2:8b.
    death as personified Ro 5:14, 17; 6:9; 1 Cor 15:26 (cp. Plut., Mor. 370c τέλος ἀπολεῖσθαι [for ἀπολείπεσθαι] τὸν Ἅιδην); vss. 54–56 (s. on κέντρον 1); Rv 1:18; 6:8a; 20:13f; 21:4; B 5:6; 16:9 (this concept among Jews [Hos 13:14; Sir 14:12; 4 Esdr 8, 53; SyrBar 21, 23; TestAbr A 16ff; Bousset, Rel.3 253, 2] and Greeks [ERohde, Psyche1903, II 241; 249; CRobert, Thanatos 1879].—JKroll, Gott u. Hölle ’32; Dibelius, Geisterwelt 114ff; JUbbink, Paulus en de dood: NThSt 1, 1918, 3–10 and s. on ἁμαρτία 3a).
    death viewed transcendently in contrast to a living relationship with God, death extension of mng. 1 (Philo)
    of spiritual death, to which one is subject unless one lives out of the power of God’s grace. θάνατον οὐ μὴ θεωρήσῃ J 8:51. Opp. ζωή 5:24; 1J 3:14; Ro 7:10; 8:6. This death stands in the closest relation to sin: Ro 7:13b; Js 1:15; 5:20; 2 Cl 1:6; Hv 2, 3, 1; also to the flesh: Paul thinks of the earthly body as σῶμα τ. θανάτου Ro 7:24. In contrast to the gospel the law of Moses engraved on stone διακονία τοῦ θανάτου service that leads to death 2 Cor 3:7 (cp. Tat. 14, 1 θανάτου … ἐπιτηδεύματα). The νόμος, which is τὸ ἀγαθόν, proves to be θάνατος death = deadly or cause of death Ro 7:13a. The unredeemed are ἐν χώρᾳ καὶ σκιᾷ θανάτου Mt 4:16; cp. Lk 1:79 (both Is 9:2). ἐν σκοτίᾳ θανάτου AcPl Ha 8, 32 (=BMM verso 4). This mng. of θάνατος cannot always be clearly distinguished fr. the foll., since spiritual death merges into
    eternal death. θαν. αἰώνιος B 20:1. This kind of death is meant Ro 1:32; 6:16, 21, 23; 7:5; 2 Cor 7:10; 2 Ti 1:10; Hb 2:14b; B 10:5; 2 Cl 16:4; Dg 10:7b; Hv 1, 1, 8; m 4, 1, 2. ἁμαρτία πρὸς θάνατον 1J 5:16f (Polyaenus 8, 32 bravery πρὸς θ.=‘to the point of death’; s. ἁμαρτάνω e and TestIss 7:1 ἁμαρτία εἰς θάνατον). ὀσμὴ ἐκ θανάτου εἰς θάνατον a fragrance that comes from death and leads to death 2 Cor 2:16. In Rv this (final) death is called the second death (ὁ δεύτερος θ. also Plut., Mor. 942f) 2:11; 20:6, 14b; 21:8 (s. TZahn, comm. 604–8).—GQuell, Die Auffassung des Todes in Israel 1926; JLeipoldt, D. Tod bei Griechen u. Juden ’42; TBarrosse, Death and Sin in Ro: CBQ 15, ’53, 438–59; ELohse, Märtyrer u. Gottesknecht ’55 (lit.); SBrandon, The Personification of Death in Some Ancient Religions, BJRL 43, ’61, 317–35.
    a particular manner of death, fatal illness, pestilence and the like, as established by context (Job 27:15; Jer 15:2: θάνατος … μάχαιρα … λιμός) Rv 2:23. ἀποκτεῖναι ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ κ. ἐν λιμῷ κ. ἐν θανάτῳ 6:8b; 18:8 (cp. PsSol 13:2; 15:7; Orig., C. Cels. 5, 37, 10).—JToynbee, Death and Burial in the Roman World ’71; SHumphreys, The Family, Women, and Death ’83.—B. 287. DELG. BHHW III 1999–2001. 1609–13. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > θάνατος

  • 17 С-387

    СЛЮНКИ ТЕКУТ/ПОТЕКЛИ (у кого) coll VP subj.)
    1. s.o. wants some food or drink that he sees or smells so much that saliva is building up in his mouth: у X-a слюнки текут - X's mouth is watering
    thing Y makes X's mouth water.
    Пройдёт ли мимо Милютинских лавок: там из окна выглядывает, в некотором роде, сёмга эдакая, вишенки по пяти рублей штучка, арбуз-громадище... - словом, на всяком шагу соблазн такой, слюнки текут... (Гоголь 3). Every time he went past the Milyutinsky stores he'd catch sight of a huge salmon staring out of the window at him, in a manner of speaking, lovely cherries at five roubles apiece, an enormous water-melon... — in short, such temptation at every step that his mouth watered... (3a).
    Она выложила телячьи отбивные на сковородку, по кухне распространился запах вкусной ресторанной пищи. Галя, усмехаясь, заметила: «Ишь, как пахнет... Слюнки текут...» (Рыбаков 2). She laid the veal chops (from the restaurant) in the hot frying pan and the communal kitchen was permeated with their delicious aroma. Galya observed with a smirk, "Goodness, how those smells make your mouth water!" (2a).
    2. \С-387 (от чего, при виде кого-чего, при мысли о ком-чём и т. п.) seeing (thinking of etc) some desirable, alluring person or thing elicits in s.o. a strong desire for him or it: у X-a слюнки текут (от Y-a (при виде Y-a и т. п.)) = X's mouth is watering
    (seeing (thinking of etc) Y) makes X's mouth water X wants Y so badly he can taste it X is dying to get Y (in limited contexts) X is drooling (over Y) just seeing (thinking of etc) Y is enough to make X's mouth water.
    "У них слюнки потекут, когда они увидят ее (машину)...» (Олеша 2). "Their mouths will water when they see it (the machine)" (2a).
    «Приходит к старику патеру блондиночка, норманочка, лет двадцати... Красота, телеса... - слюнки текут» (Достоевский 2). "A girl comes to an old priest, a blonde, from Normandy, about twenty years old. Beautiful, buxom...enough to make your mouth water" (2a).
    Я эту самую мысль прокурору в опросе моем не то что ясно сказал, а, напротив, как будто намёком подвёл-с... так у господина прокурора от этого самого намёка моего даже слюнки потекли-с...» (Достоевский 2). "In my interrogation, I told this same thought to the prosecutor, not quite clearly, but, on the contrary, as if I were leading him to it by a hint...and Mr. Prosecutor even started drooling over that same hint of mine, sir..." (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-387

  • 18 У-118

    В УПОР PrepP Invar adv
    1. подойти, подступить к кому, столкнуться - и т. п. (to approach, come up to etc s.o.) very closely, so that hardly any distance separates one from s.o., (to run) directly, right (into s.o.): face to face
    eyeball-to-eyeball right up to (in limited contexts) (be) close up to.
    (extended usage) Человек взмахнул руками, вцепился в мою шубу, потряс меня, прильнул и стал тихонько выкрикивать: «Голубчик мой... доктор... скорее... умирает она»... Я взял безжизненную руку... Под пальцами задрожало мелко, часто, потом стало срываться, тянуться в нитку. У меня похолодело привычно под ложечкой, как всегда, когда я в упор видел смерть (Булгаков 6). The man waved his arms, clutched my fur coat and shook me as he pressed against me, moaning softly: "Oh, doctor... my dear fellow...quickly...she's dying."...I took the lifeless arm....I could feel a thin, rapid flutter which broke off and picked up again as a mere faint thread. I felt the customary stab of cold in the pit of my stomach as I always do when I see death face to face (6a).
    ...Штабс-капитан быстрым жестом схватил порожний стул... и поставил его чуть не посредине комнаты затем, схватив другой такой же стул для себя, сел напротив Алёши, по-прежнему к нему в упор и так, что колени их почти соприкасались вместе (Достоевский 1)....The captain seized an empty chair...and placed it almost in the middle of the room, then, seizing another chair, just like the first, for himself, he sat facing Alyosha, as close up to him as before, so that their knees almost touched (1a).
    2. стрелять, целиться в кого-что, убить кого \У-118 и т. п. (to shoot, aim at s.o. or sth., kill s.o. etc) from a very short distance away, having moved right up to him or it
    at point-blank (close) range.
    Высокий белобровый австриец... почти в упор выстрелил в Григория с колена. Огонь свинца опалил щёку. Григорий повёл пикой, натягивая изо всей силы поводья (Шолохов 2). А tall fair-browed Austrian...fired almost point-blank at Grigory from a kneeling position. The heat of the molten lead scorched Grigory's cheek. He aimed his lance and reined in with all his strength (2a).
    Вдруг слева ослепительно вспыхнуло - Борька подскочил и щёлкнул почти в упор (Трифонов 1). Suddenly there was a blinding flash from the left-it was Borka who had jumped forward and clicked his camera at almost point-blank range (1a).
    Дол охов, бежавший рядом с Тимохиным, в упор убил одного француза... (Толстой 4). Dolokhov, running beside Timokhin, killed a Frenchman at close range... (4a).
    3. смотреть на кого, рассматривать, разглядывать кого-что \У-118 и т. п. (to look at, examine etc s.o. or sth.) directly and intently
    look point-blank at
    stare (look) straight (right) at (into) stare hard (fixedly) at.
    "А что он сделал?» - спросил Сталин и в упор посмотрел на Берию. «Болтает лишнее, выжил из ума», - сказал Берия (Искандер 3). "What has he done?" Stalin asked. He looked point-blank at Beria. "He blabs too much, he's gotten senile," Beria said (3a).
    Сталин медленно поднялся, не протянул руки, продолжал в упор смотреть на Будягина (Рыбаков 2). Without extending his hand, Stalin got up slowly and continued to look straight at Budyagin (2a).
    Это что ещё такое?» - вскричал (Иван Фёдорович), вглядываясь в упор в лицо пристава, и вдруг, схватив его за плечи, яростно ударил об пол (Достоевский 2). "What is the meaning of this?" Ivan Fyodorovich exclaimed, staring straight into the marshal's face, and suddenly, seizing him by the shoulders, he flung him violently to the floor (2a).
    «Ухожу в армию, сынок. К матери поедешь». - «Не хочу туда, - нахохлился Влад... -У деда Савелия останусь». Влад сказал и тут же осёкся. Отец смотрел в упор, излучая на него столько горечи и снисходительного презрения, что он не выдержал, сдался... (Максимов 2). Tm going away to join the army, son. You must go back to your mother." "I don't want to," Vlad objected.... "I'll stay with grandfather." As Vlad said this he stopped short. His father stared hard at him, radiating such bitterness and condescending scorn that his resistance faltered and he capitulated (2a).
    Трою основали Тевкр, Дардан, Иллюс и Трос», - разом отчеканил мальчик и в один миг весь покраснел, так покраснел, что на него жалко стало смотреть. Но мальчики все на него глядели в упор... (Достоевский 1). "Troy was founded by Teucer, Dardanus, Ilius, and Tros," the boy rapped out at once, and instantly blushed all over, blushed so much that it was pitiful to see. But all the boys stared fixedly at him... (1a).
    4. сказать, спросить \У-118 (to say, ask) directly and in plain terms
    flat out bluntly.
    «Где брала?» — в упор спросил Николай. «Чего?» — испугалась учительница. «Да танкетки ж», - нетерпеливо сказал Николай (Войнович 5). "Where'd you get them?" Nikolai asked point-blank. "Get what?" said the teacher, quite startled. "The shoes, the shoes," said Nikolai impatiently (5a).
    «Осмелюсь узнать, служить изволили?» - «Нет, учусь...» - ответил молодой человек, отчасти удивленный и особенным витиеватым тоном речи, и тем, что так прямо, в упор, обратились к нему (Достоевский 3). "May I venture to inquire, pray: have you been in the service?" "No, I study..." replied the young man, taken aback partly by the peculiar, orotund manner of the other's speech and partly by the fact that he had been so directly and bluntly addressed (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > У-118

  • 19 слюнки потекли

    СЛЮНКИ ТЕКУТ/ПОТЕКЛИ (у кого) coll
    1. s.o. wants some food or drink that he sees or smells so much that saliva is building up in his mouth: у X-a слюнки текут X's mouth is watering; thing Y makes X's mouth water.
         ♦ Пройдёт ли мимо Милютинских лавок: там из окна выглядывает, в некотором роде, сёмга эдакая, вишенки по пяти рублей штучка, арбуз-громадище... - словом, на всяком шагу соблазн такой, слюнки текут... (Гоголь 3). Every time he went past the Milyutinsky stores he'd catch sight of a huge salmon staring out of the window at him, in a manner of speaking, lovely cherries at five roubles apiece, an enormous water-melon... - in short, such temptation at every step that his mouth watered... (3a).
         ♦ Она выложила телячьи отбивные на сковородку, по кухне распространился запах вкусной ресторанной пищи. Галя, усмехаясь, заметила: "Ишь, как пахнет... Слюнки текут..." (Рыбаков 2). She laid the veal chops [from the restaurant] in the hot frying pan and the communal kitchen was permeated with their delicious aroma. Galya observed with a smirk, "Goodness, how those smells make your mouth water!" (2a).
    2. слюнки потекли (от чего, при виде кого-чего, при мысли о ком-чём и т. п.) seeing (thinking of etc) some desirable, alluring person or thing elicits in s.o. a strong desire for him or it: у X-a слюнки текут (от Y-a < при виде Y-а и т.п.>) X's mouth is watering; (seeing (thinking of etc) Y) makes X's mouth water; X wants Y so badly he can taste it; X is dying to get Y; [in limited contexts] X is drooling (over Y); just seeing (thinking of etc) Y is enough to make X's mouth water.
         ♦ "У них слюнки потекут, когда они увидят ее [машину]..." (Олеша 2). "Their mouths will water when they see it [the machine]" (2a).
         ♦ "Приходит к старику патеру блондиночка, норманочка, лет двадцати... Красота, телеса... - слюнки текут" (Достоевский 2). "A girl comes to an old priest, a blonde, from Normandy, about twenty years old. Beautiful, buxom...enough to make your mouth water" (2a).
         ♦ "Я эту самую мысль прокурору в опросе моем не то что ясно сказал, а, напротив, как будто намёком подвёл-с... так у господина прокурора от этого самого намёка моего даже слюнки потекли-с..." (Достоевский 2). "In my interrogation, I told this same thought to the prosecutor, not quite clearly, but, on the contrary, as if I were leading him to it by a hint...and Mr. Prosecutor even started drooling over that same hint of mine, sir..." (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > слюнки потекли

  • 20 слюнки текут

    СЛЮНКИ ТЕКУТ/ПОТЕКЛИ (у кого) coll
    1. s.o. wants some food or drink that he sees or smells so much that saliva is building up in his mouth: у X-a слюнки текут X's mouth is watering; thing Y makes X's mouth water.
         ♦ Пройдёт ли мимо Милютинских лавок: там из окна выглядывает, в некотором роде, сёмга эдакая, вишенки по пяти рублей штучка, арбуз-громадище... - словом, на всяком шагу соблазн такой, слюнки текут... (Гоголь 3). Every time he went past the Milyutinsky stores he'd catch sight of a huge salmon staring out of the window at him, in a manner of speaking, lovely cherries at five roubles apiece, an enormous water-melon... - in short, such temptation at every step that his mouth watered... (3a).
         ♦ Она выложила телячьи отбивные на сковородку, по кухне распространился запах вкусной ресторанной пищи. Галя, усмехаясь, заметила: "Ишь, как пахнет... Слюнки текут..." (Рыбаков 2). She laid the veal chops [from the restaurant] in the hot frying pan and the communal kitchen was permeated with their delicious aroma. Galya observed with a smirk, "Goodness, how those smells make your mouth water!" (2a).
    2. слюнки текут (от чего, при виде кого-чего, при мысли о ком-чём и т. п.) seeing (thinking of etc) some desirable, alluring person or thing elicits in s.o. a strong desire for him or it: у X-a слюнки текут (от Y-a < при виде Y-а и т.п.>) X's mouth is watering; (seeing (thinking of etc) Y) makes X's mouth water; X wants Y so badly he can taste it; X is dying to get Y; [in limited contexts] X is drooling (over Y); just seeing (thinking of etc) Y is enough to make X's mouth water.
         ♦ "У них слюнки потекут, когда они увидят ее [машину]..." (Олеша 2). "Their mouths will water when they see it [the machine]" (2a).
         ♦ "Приходит к старику патеру блондиночка, норманочка, лет двадцати... Красота, телеса... - слюнки текут" (Достоевский 2). "A girl comes to an old priest, a blonde, from Normandy, about twenty years old. Beautiful, buxom...enough to make your mouth water" (2a).
         ♦ "Я эту самую мысль прокурору в опросе моем не то что ясно сказал, а, напротив, как будто намёком подвёл-с... так у господина прокурора от этого самого намёка моего даже слюнки потекли-с..." (Достоевский 2). "In my interrogation, I told this same thought to the prosecutor, not quite clearly, but, on the contrary, as if I were leading him to it by a hint...and Mr. Prosecutor even started drooling over that same hint of mine, sir..." (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > слюнки текут

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Dying — Die Die, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Died}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Dying}.] [OE. deyen, dien, of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. deyja; akin to Dan. d[ o]e, Sw. d[ o], Goth. diwan (cf. Goth. afd?jan to harass), OFries. d?ia to kill, OS. doian to die, OHG. touwen,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • death — /deth/, n. 1. the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism. Cf. brain death. 2. an instance of this: a death in the family; letters published after his death. 3. the state of being …   Universalium

  • Euthanasia — For mercy killings performed on animals, see Animal euthanasia. Part of a series on …   Wikipedia

  • William Perkins (Puritan) — William Perkins (1558 1602) was a clergyman and Cambridge theologian who was one of the foremost leaders of the Puritan movement in the Church of England. Early lifePerkins was born to Thomas and Anna Perkins at Marston Jabbett in the parish of… …   Wikipedia

  • Acanthophis tortor — Death Death (d[e^]th), n. [OE. deth, dea[eth], AS. de[ a][eth]; akin to OS. d[=o][eth], D. dood, G. tod, Icel. dau[eth]i, Sw. & Dan. d[ o]d, Goth. dau[thorn]us; from a verb meaning to die. See {Die}, v. i., and cf. {Dead}.] 1. The cessation of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Acanthopis antarctica — Death Death (d[e^]th), n. [OE. deth, dea[eth], AS. de[ a][eth]; akin to OS. d[=o][eth], D. dood, G. tod, Icel. dau[eth]i, Sw. & Dan. d[ o]d, Goth. dau[thorn]us; from a verb meaning to die. See {Die}, v. i., and cf. {Dead}.] 1. The cessation of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Black death — Death Death (d[e^]th), n. [OE. deth, dea[eth], AS. de[ a][eth]; akin to OS. d[=o][eth], D. dood, G. tod, Icel. dau[eth]i, Sw. & Dan. d[ o]d, Goth. dau[thorn]us; from a verb meaning to die. See {Die}, v. i., and cf. {Dead}.] 1. The cessation of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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